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Attachment C <br />Proposed Amendments Incorporated in Current IIVI., Provisions <br />Title 10: Zoning and Site Development <br />Chapter 2. Site Development <br />Article 7. Building Siting, View Protection, Ridgeline Preservation, Creek Protection <br />Sec. 10.2.701. Purposes. <br />The purposes of this article are to insure that the site, location and configuration of <br />structures are unobtrusive when viewed from off-site; that scenic views are retained; that <br />buildings do not dominate the natural landscape; that ridgelines and hilltops are preserved; <br />and that the siting of structures is consistent with other provisions of this chapter <br />concerning grading, drainage, and erosion control. <br />(§ 15, Ord. 299, eff. December 11, 1985) <br />Sec. 10-2.702. Siting. <br />(a) Alternative locations. The location of buildings and structures shall be selected so <br />as to minimize run-off from the site, the volume of off-site drainage created, the <br />destruction or alteration of natural vegetation, and the impairment of scenic views <br />from off the site. <br />(b) Preservation of ridgelines, hilltops, and scenic views. Ridgelines, hilltops, and <br />scenic views shall be preserved by the siting of structures to take advantage of <br />natural topographic or landscape features which would cause structures to blend <br />with their natural surroundings. Hilltops or ridgelines shall not be cut down, <br />flattened, or similarly graded to create a building pad in excess of the actual area <br />covered by the principal residence. <br />(c) Configuration of structures. Structures on ridgelines, hilltops, and hillsides have the <br />potential to be highly visible. To insure that these structures are unobtrusive and do <br />not dominate the natural landscape, the Site Development Authority shall consider <br />the following standards in approving a structure on a ridgeline, hilltop, or hillside lot: <br />(1) Single -story buildings or height restrictions may be required subject to <br />findings pursuant to Sec. 10-2.1305 (1). <br />(2) Sloped roofs (minimum pitch of 4:12) that follow the natural contours of the <br />site are strongly encouraged. <br />(3) Buildings with flat roofs shall be limited to a maximum height of 22 feet. <br />(4) Foundations shall follow the natural contours of the site so that the structure <br />steps up or down the slope and/or the structure is cut into the hillside. <br />(5) Existing vegetation and/or additional new landscaping shall render structures <br />unobtrusive. <br />(6) Colors and materials of walls, roofing, and other structural components shall <br />blend with the natural landscape. <br />(7) The proposed structure shall not significantly affect the privacy of neighbors or <br />neighborhood character. _ <br />