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Item 7.1
Planning Commission
Planning Commission Packets
February 2, 2006
Item 7.1
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4/20/2016 7:43:20 AM
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Staff Report
Item Number
Item 7.1
Draft Meeting Minutes January 19, 2006
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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFr <br />January 19, 2006 <br />Page 3 <br />Planner Pedro further discussed the roll of this five year Master Plan and what relevancy it has on <br />a decision and how the Planning Commission should respond to the Master Plan referring to the <br />Town's Wireless Communication Policy. Each of the proposed sites needs a separate application <br />and approval. <br />Commissioner Kerns noted that condition #15 regarding the trees, the requirement in terms of the <br />size is written slightly differently than #13 and #14 referring to a 20 foot minimum height at <br />installation; #15 refers to a 36" box. Planner Pedro responded by stating that they had contacted <br />Tom Klope, the landscape architect for the Town Hall to see what maximum size trees could be <br />placed there. Because this area is already developed with the generator and also some existing <br />trees, the 36" box tree is the maximum size that can be installed without a crane. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Tony Kim, Cingular Wireless representative, stated that Cingular Wireless has been committed to <br />providing effective coverage in this part of Town for nearly three years. Their radio engineers <br />tested the site at various heights, analyzing the data realizing that a minimum of 70 feet would be <br />necessary to provide effective coverage to the surrounding area. Town Hall and Town owned <br />properties are preferred locations and therefore this proposal is in accordance with Town <br />priorities. Technological requirements necessitated 70 feet in height. Since them are other <br />existing trees, they felt a tree pole would be the best to disguise the antennas and blend into the <br />surrounding environment. The panel antennas will not be visible to public view. The cabinets <br />that operate this facility will be enclosed in the existing shed. They are proposing to construct a <br />four foot tall wooden screen so the shed is not visible from the street. He felt what was critical <br />and very important for this proposal is that the tree will be co -locatable. Cingular has been <br />working with the emergency communication folks for two years now. Without them the tree <br />could handle two more carriers in addition to their installation. He felt this was a good proposal <br />and would greatly improve the coverage in the area. They respectfully requested approval of this <br />application. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the proposed color of the tree pole and working with staff, how to <br />make it appear more natural to blend into the surroundings. <br />Commissioner Kerns referred to another Cingular site, S1718-11, Purissima I -Tills water tank, <br />asking how much analysis have they gone through in terms of evaluating sites. <br />Tony Vim stated cell phones are no longer a luxury but a necessity. <br />Commissioner Carey questioned co -location of another carrier asking how much lower the <br />Emergency Communication antenna would have to be to accommodate a second carrier. Mr. <br />Kim felt it really depended on the carrier's needs and the size of the antennas needed. He felt that <br />they could accommodate one more carrier directly below their antenna. They could <br />accommodate two more carriers wi <br />
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