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RESOLUTION 03-17 <br /> A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> INCREASING NON-RESIDENTIAL SEWER SERVICE CHARGES IN BOTH THE <br /> PALO ALTO AND LOS ALTOS SEWER BASINS <br /> WHEREAS, the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") provides sanitary sewer services to <br /> approximately 14 non-residential users, including Town facilities; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Town of Los Altos Hills Municipal Code Sections 6-4.445 and 6-4.445(1) <br /> states that all sewer users shall pay a sewer service charge and the charge will be determined based <br /> on"service unit" compared to a typical single-family residence; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town retained the services of Municipal Financial Services (MFS) to <br /> prepare a study to evaluate the units of service allocated to non-residential facilities. MFS <br /> completed a study recommending that the UOS for non-residential customers (except for schools) <br /> be aggregated into a single category with the number of UOS based on either the average daily <br /> volume of wastewater discharge or based on the number of plumbing fixture units. Similar to the <br /> residential customer category, all customers are assigned a minimum UOS of one (1.00). The <br /> study also recommends the UOS for schools are aggregated into a single category with one UOS <br /> equal to 68 students and staff, and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town Council preliminarily approved and adopted the study at its <br /> meeting on October 20, 2016; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town has complied with all legal requirements in adopting the non- <br /> residential sewer service charge, including, but not limited to, California Constitution Article <br /> XIIID, Section 6. The Town provided 45 days mailed notice to all non-residential sewer customers <br /> that would be subject to the increased rates, of a public hearing to consider the proposed sewer <br /> service charge rates and to receive protests the proposal. The public hearing was held on January <br /> 25, 2016. The Town Council heard and considered any objections or protests at the hearing. A <br /> majority of affected nonresidential sewer users did not submit written protests against the proposed <br /> sewer service charge rates at the public hearing; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town currently uses the 2003 Sewer Allocation Fee Schedule which <br /> assigns units of service consistent with the equivalent units of services (UOS) used by the City of <br /> Los Altos at that time; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town Council finds and determines that this action is exempt from the <br /> California Environmental Quality Act(CEQA)pursuant to CEQA Guidelines section 15273 since <br /> the action is the adoption of a fee or charge for the purposes set forth in that section. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the Town of Los <br /> Altos Hills does resolve as follows: <br /> Resolution 03-17 Page 1 <br />