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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS February 16, 2006 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: SITE DEVELOPMENT PERMIT FOR SOLAR PANELS; LANDS OF GOESE; <br />13480 WILDCREST DRIVE; #245-05-ZP-SD. <br />FROM: Leslie Hopper, AICP, Project Planner <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, Planning Directory C,, <br />RECOMMENDATION: That the Planning Commission: <br />Approve the installation of solar panels subject to a development area credit <br />for free-standing solar panels only, not to exceed 1% of the net lot area, based <br />on the recommended findings and subject to the attached conditions of <br />approval; or <br />2. Deny the requested permit and direct staff to develop a proposed development <br />area policy for free-standing solar panels that can be uniformly applied to all <br />properties. <br />BACKGROUND <br />The 1.897 -acre property is located on the crest of a ridgeline near the end of Wildcrest <br />Drive. A 10,955 -sq. -ft. new residence was approved by the Planning Commission on <br />July 14, 2005 and is currently under construction. As a condition of site development, <br />the owner has dedicated a .57 -acre open space easement to protect the steep slopes in the <br />southeastern portion of the property along Wildcrest Drive. Surrounding uses include <br />single-family homes across Wildcrest Drive to the north, east, and south. A 27,000 sq. ft. <br />new residence (Lands of Evershine) is currently under construction on the adjacent parcel <br />to the west. <br />CODE REQUIREMENTS <br />As authorized under Sections 10-2.301 and 10-2.703 of the Site Development Code, this <br />application for solar panels has been forwarded to the Planning Commission for review <br />and approval. Criteria for review from the Site Development Code include visibility, <br />siting, and landscape screening. Zoning Code review encompasses compliance with <br />development area limitations. <br />The applicant proposes to install 1,637 sq. ft. of solar panels in the southwest comer of <br />the property, outside the open space easement and outside the setback areas. The solar <br />panels would consist of 120 high-power modules (170 Watt) using poly -crystalline <br />