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Planning Commission <br />February 16, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />photovoltaic cells. The panels would be parallel to the ground, approximately 24" above <br />grade, and mounted on concrete piers. There would be a total of approximately 25 <br />concrete piers that are 8" in diameter. Collectively the piers would cover a total of <br />approximately 9 sq. ft. <br />The proposed solar panels would be located with a southwest orientation that is ideal for <br />system efficiency, and the system would supply 100% of the electrical power needed to <br />operate the Goese residence and pool. The black panels would have an anti -reflection <br />coating to reduce glare. <br />DISCUSSION <br />Development Area Policv <br />Section 10-1.502(b) of the Zoning Code defines "development area" to include floor area <br />as well as other coverage, including parking areas, patios, decks, walkways, swimming <br />pools, tennis courts, and other surfaces comprised of artificially emplaced building <br />materials such as paving, roofing, masonry, stone or wood. <br />The Town's policy on Development Area and Tennis/Sports Courts, Driveways, and <br />Pervious Surfaces (Attachment 4) states the intent of development area limitations: <br />The purposes of limiting development area on a site are twofold: 1) to <br />protect the natural features and rural character of the Town; and 2) to <br />minimize runoffand erosion concerns related to construction on slopes. <br />The Town has adopted the following policies to aid in implementing development area <br />limitations: <br />Policy 1. No development area credit will be granted for the use of semi- <br />permeable materials(s) on any of the following: <br />a. Tennis or sports courts <br />b. Driveways <br />c. Required parking areas <br />d. Turnarounds <br />e. Above -ground decks <br />Policy 2. In other development areas, credit for the use of semi permeable <br />materials) (grasscrete, etc.) of up to 100% may be granted depending on the <br />permeability and the appearance of the surface. <br />The proposed solar panels do not contribute significantly to the overall impervious <br />surface area of the lot (only 9 sq. ft.). However, they will occupy an area of 1,637 sq. ft. <br />and look like roofing material. The panels cannot be screened with landscaping or <br />otherwise disguised as natural land forms. <br />