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ORDINANCE 568 <br /> AN ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING <br /> CHAPTERS 1 THROUGH 1.11 OF TITLE VIII OF THE LOS ALTOS <br /> HILLS MUNICIPAL CODE WHICH ADOPTS AND AMENDS BY <br /> REFERENCE PROVISIONS OF THE 2016 CALIFORNIA BUILDING <br /> STANDARDS CODE AND LOCAL CODE AMENDMENTS <br /> WHEREAS,the 2016 Edition of the California Building Standards Code, has been amended and <br /> adopted by the California Building Standards Commission; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Town of Los Altos Hills ("Town") wishes to adopt building code regulations in <br /> accordance with law and to use the most updated regulations in the processing of development in <br /> the Town; and <br /> WHEREAS,Government Code § 50022.2 authorizes cities to enact ordinances adopting any code <br /> by reference; and <br /> WHEREAS, because of the Town's unique climatic, topographic and geologic conditions, the <br /> Town desires to make amendments and additions to the 2016 Edition of the California Building <br /> Standards Code, as set forth herein; and <br /> WHEREAS,pursuant to California Health and Safety Code sections 18941.5 and 17958,the City <br /> Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills hereby finds that the amendments adopted herein are <br /> reasonably necessary because of the following local climatic,topographic and geologic conditions: <br /> 1. The Town of Los Altos Hills experiences low humidity, high winds and warm <br /> temperatures during the summer months creating conditions which are particularly <br /> conducive to the ignition and spread of grass,brush and structure fires. <br /> 2. The remoteness and steepness of hillside areas in the Town significantly impacts the <br /> ability of emergency responders to extinguish or control wildland or structure fires. <br /> These factors cumulatively mandate special provisions for Fire Department access, fire <br /> protection water supplies, automatic fire sprinklers and fire retardant roof coverings. <br /> 3. The Town of Los Altos Hills is geographically situated adjacent to active earthquake <br /> faults capable of producing substantial seismic events. Since the Town is divided by a <br /> freeway and other major traffic corridors, the occurrence of a major earthquake would <br /> significantly impact the ability of fire crews to respond to emergencies should one or <br /> more bridges collapse or be substantially damaged. <br /> 4. Fire suppression capabilities will be severely limited should the water system be <br /> extensively damaged during the seismic event. <br /> 5. Roofs that are not fire-retardant contribute to the spread of fires, and therefore pose a <br /> risk to the safety of the Town's citizens and their property. <br /> Ordinance 568 Page 1 <br />