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official, or of a permit or certificate used under provisions of this code, shall be guilty of a <br /> misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punishable as set forth in Title 1, <br /> Chapter 2 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code. <br /> E. Section 109.4.1 is amended to read as follows: <br /> 109.4.1 Abatement of Violation. In addition to the imposition of the penalties herein <br /> described, the fire code official is authorized to institute appropriate action to prevent <br /> unlawful construction or to restrain, correct or abate a violation; or to prevent illegal <br /> occupancy of a structure or premises; or to stop an illegal act, conduct of business or <br /> occupancy of a structure on or about any premises. If any person fails to comply with the <br /> order of the fire code official, or in the event that the fire code official is unable to locate <br /> the responsible person within a reasonable time, the fire code official may take such steps <br /> to abate a fire hazard or health hazard as are necessary for the protection of the public <br /> health and safety. In no event is notice necessary before abatement when the fire hazard <br /> constitutes a clear and present danger to the public welfare.The cost of any such abatement <br /> is a debt to the Town, of the owner of the premises or who, by his or her act or inaction, <br /> caused the fire hazard. The cost of the abatement shall become a lien on the premises when <br /> the need for the abatement and the amount of the cost have been established. <br /> F. Section 202 — General Definitions is amended by adding or amending the following <br /> definitions: <br /> Administrator means the City Manager of the Town of Los Altos Hills or his or her <br /> designated representative. <br /> Chief or Fire Chief or fire code official means the Fire Chief retained by the Los Altos <br /> Hills County Fire District or designated representative. <br /> Chief of Police means the Sheriff of the County of Santa Clara with whom the Town <br /> contracts for police services, or his or her designated representative. <br /> Corporation Counsel means the City Attorney for the Town. <br /> Fire Department means the Fire Department retained by the Los Altos Hills County Fire <br /> District. <br /> Jurisdiction means the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> Police Department means the Sheriff's Department of the County of Santa Clara with <br /> whom the Town contracts for police service. <br /> G. Section 503.1 is amended to read as follows: <br /> Ordinance 568 Page 8 <br />