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RESOLUTION 12-17 <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING INCREASED CODE <br /> ENFORCEMENT SERVICES PROVIDED BY CSG CONSULTING <br /> AND AMENDING THE BUDGET BY $55,000 FOR 2016-17 <br /> WHEREAS, the Town address code enforcement complaints based upon urgency; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town engaged CSG Consulting one day a week to provide enhanced code <br /> enforcement services to review and address complaints; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town wishes to increase services from one day a week to two days a week to <br /> provide more code enforcement services; and <br /> WHEREAS, to provide code enforcement services two days a week will exceed City Manager's <br /> authorization. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does hereby RESOLVE <br /> to approve the increased level of code enforcement services and increase the 2016-17 Planning <br /> Operating Budget by$55,000. <br /> The above and foregoing Resolution was passed and adopted by the City Council of the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills at a special meeting held on the 81h day of March, 2017 by the following vote: <br /> AYES: Waldeck, Radford, Corrigan, Spreen, Wu <br /> NOES: None <br /> ABSTAIN: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> BY: <br /> Gary Waldeck, Mayor <br /> ATTEST: <br /> Deborah P_adovan, City Clerk <br /> Resolution 12-17 Page 1 <br />