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TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS February 16, 2006 <br />Staff Report to the Planning Commission <br />RE: DISCUSSION TO CONSIDER AMENDING ZONING AND SITE <br />DEVELOPNIENT CODES WITH REGARD TO EFFECTIVE DATE, APPEAL, <br />AND COUNCIL REVIEW OF ACTIONS FOR ZONING AND SITE <br />DEVELOPMENT PERMITS (SECTIONS 10-1.1108-1110,10-2.1305, AND 10- <br />2.1313) <br />FROM: Debbie Pedro, AICP, Senior Planner <br />APPROVED BY: Carl Cahill, City Manager Pro Tem Ct <br />That the Planning Commission: <br />Discuss the proposed revisions and direct staff to prepare text amendments to the <br />ordinances as determined to be necessary. <br />DISCUSSION <br />The purpose of the proposed amendment is to correct existing inconsistencies in the <br />Town's Municipal Code with regard to the approval and appeal process for Zoning and <br />Site Development permits. Provisions for the approval and appeal process for Zoning <br />and Site Development Permits are found in the following sections of the Municipal Code: <br />I . Section 10-2.1313 (Site Development) provides the effective date, appeal process, <br />and council review of action for Zoning and Site Development Permits. <br />2. Sections 10-1-1108-1110 (Zoning) provide the effective date, appeal process, and <br />council review of action for Variances, Conditional Use Permits, and Conditional <br />Development Permits. <br />3. Section 10-2.1305 (Site Development) provides the effective date, appeal process, <br />and council review of action for Fast-track twoJect approvals. <br />Each of the referenced code sections currently contains slight variations on the effective <br />date of the permit approval, the appeal process, and requirements for placing projects on <br />the consent agenda for council review. For example, projects approved under Sections <br />10-2.1313 (Zoning and Site Development permits) and 10-1. 1108 (Variance, CUP, CDP) <br />become effective on the 23� day from the date of permit approval while projects <br />approved under Section 10-2.1305 (Fast-track process) become effective on the 22nd day <br />from the date of permit approval. In addition, the appeal period for Fast-track permits is <br />