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(5) Environmental Design Committee and Pathways Committee representatives may <br />participate in the site development hearing, and shall receive notice of the hearing on the <br />same date that notice is mailed to property owners. <br />(6) An interim staff report shall be prepared at least five (5) days prior to the hearing, <br />and be available for public review, outlining the project characteristics (floor area, <br />development area, height, setbacks, materials, etc.) and its compliance with the Town's <br />General Plan, Zoning and Site Development Codes, Design Guidelines, Town policies and <br />subdivision conditions, where applicable. <br />(7) The hearing shall be conducted by the Planning Director, and no other person may <br />preside over the hearing unless so authorized by action of the City Council. <br />(8) The Planning Director shall approve the project if the Director determines that the <br />project complies with the Town's General Plan, Zoning and Site Development Codes, Design <br />Guidelines, Town policies and subdivision conditions, if applicable, and that no substantive <br />neighborhood opposition exists. <br />(9) A final staff report shall be prepared to supplement the interim staff report with <br />discussion of any issues raised by neighbors, committee representatives, staff, or the <br />applicant, and to include the final conditions of approval and the applicant's signed <br />agreement to those conditions. if opposition to the project exists, that opposition shall be <br />noted in the final staff report along with the Planning Director's assessment of whether the <br />opposition is supported by facts or relevant information. <br />(10) Written notice of the Planning Director's decision shall be provided to the <br />applicant, all property owners notified of the site development hearing, and any other parties <br />attending or providing written comments at the hearing, and to the Planning Commission, a <br />minimum of ten (10) days prior to the end of the appeal period. <br />(11) Council review of actions. The final staff report shall be forwarded to the City <br />Council on a consent calendar for a meeting to be held not eafiief than ten (10) days -Of later <br />than twenty one (21) twenty-two (22) days after the site development decision; in the event <br />that no Council meeting is held within that period, the City Clerk will notify the Council of <br />the Planning Director's decision and, if no appeal is made prior to twe"ty eve (21 twenty- <br />two (22) days after the site development hearing, the project will be considered approved. <br />(12) Appeals. Appeals of the Planning DiveeteF <br />(21) &ys aftes: the site Elevelepment dee a on & n the eN,ent that no Comwfl_� <br />seheduled. Any interested party may appeal a decision of the Planning Director to the City <br />Council by filing a written notice of appeal with the City Clerk within twenty-two (22) days <br />of the Planning Director's decision. A nonrefundable filing fee and a deposit for services <br />shall accompany each appeal, except that any member of the Council or any two (2) <br />members of the Planning Commission mayfile such an appeal without payment of a fee. <br />The Council shall hold a public hearing, in accordance with the provisions of Section I- <br />10.1105. <br />