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13) Effective date. If no appeal is made, the decision of the Planning Director shaR <br />be-fi*ah—shall become flnal on the twenty-third day following the action. if an appeal is <br />made, the Council shall set a public hearing to consider the appeal pursuant to the provisions <br />of subsection 10-2.1313(c) below. <br />(c) The Planning Director shall submit an application for a project to the Planning <br />Commission if the Director determines that: <br />(1) The project does not conform to the Town's General Plan, Zoning and Site <br />Development Codes, Design Guidelines, Town policies adopted by the Council and <br />subdivision conditions, where applicable; or <br />(2) The project would require approval of a variance or conditional development <br />permit; or <br />(3) There is substantive neighborhood opposition to the project ("substantive" is not <br />based on the number of neighbors objecting); or <br />(4) The applicant does not agree to accept all of the proposed conditions of approval <br />in writing; or <br />(5) The project presents unique planning issues that need greater discussion. <br />(d) The Planning Director's determination to fast-track or submit a project to the Planning <br />Commission is final. <br />(c) The City Council and no individual Councilmember(s) shall attempt to influence the <br />Planning Director's determination of whether to fast-track or submit a project to the Planning <br />Commission. <br />(f) Councilmember(s) shall not appeal a fast-track project on the basis that the applicant <br />objects to one or more condition(s) of approval. <br />(§ 2, Ord. 400, eff. July 31, 1999) <br />