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• <br /> RESOLUTION 58-17 <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING THE LIST OF PROJECTS ELIGIBLE TO BE FUNDED <br /> BY THE ROAD REPAIR AND ACCOUNTABILITY ACT (SB1) <br /> WHEREAS, Senate Bill 1 (SB 1), the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017 (Chapter 5, <br /> Statutes of 2017)was passed by the Legislature and Signed into law by the Governor in April 2017 <br /> in order to address the significant multi-modal transportation funding shortfalls statewide; and <br /> WHEREAS, SB 1 includes accountability and transparency provisions that will ensure the <br /> residents of our Town are aware of the projects proposed for funding in our community and which <br /> projects have been completed each fiscal year; and <br /> WHEREAS,the SB 1 defines the minimum Maintenance of Effort(MOE) as the average reported <br /> street investment for 2009-10, 2010-11, and 2011-12; and <br /> WHEREAS, the average spending for those three-fiscal year is $1.68 million, which includes <br /> operating and maintenance expenditures (O&M) for Street, Drainage, and Pathway; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (RMRA) reporting requirement <br /> is still under development and Staff will work with the relevant State agencies to either permit <br /> reporting of Street, Drainage and Pathway O&M as part of the minimum MOE or to reduce the <br /> Town's minimum MOE by the O&M spending; and <br /> WHEREAS,the Town,will receive an estimated$48,919 in RMRA funding in Fiscal Year 2017- <br /> 18 from SB 1; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Town must include a list of all projects proposed to receive funding from the <br /> RMRA, created by SB 1, in the Town budget, which must include a description and the location <br /> of each proposed project, a proposed schedule for the project's completion, and the estimated <br /> useful life of the improvement; and <br /> WHEREAS, the funding from SB 1 will help the Town maintain and rehabilitate approximately <br /> 6.28 miles of streets and roads throughout the Town this year and similar projects ranging from <br /> pathway to pedestrian bridge improvements in the future throughout the Town; and <br /> WHEREAS, police, fire, and emergency medical services all need safe reliable roads to react <br /> quickly to emergency calls and a few minutes of delay can be a matter of life and death; and <br /> WHEREAS, maintaining and preserving the local street and road system in good condition will <br /> reduce drive times and traffic congestion, improve bicycle safety, and make the pedestrian <br /> experience safer and more appealing, which leads to reduce vehicle emissions helping the State <br /> achieve its air quality and greenhouse gas emissions reductions goals; and <br /> WHEREAS, restoring roads before they fail also reduces construction time which results in less <br /> air pollution from heavy equipment and less water pollution from site run-off; and <br /> Resolution 58-17 Page 1 <br />