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Kjell Karlsson, Los Altos Hills, suggested that we keep the staff time in mind. The <br />easiest is to have one unit per parcel so you don't have to "mess with square footage <br />or parcels." <br />Further Council discussion ensued. There was Council consensus to allow the <br />subcommittee on sewer to review the matter again, allow the Finance and <br />Investment Committee review and return to the Council at a later date. <br />The Council then discussed the request by resident Roddy Sloss requesting a refund <br />for additional sewer charges. <br />Further Council discussion. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Corrigan moved to <br />provide a refund to Roddy Sloss on the condition that he provide written <br />documentation verifying that he was advised by Town staff inaccurately. The <br />motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Waldeck. <br />Public Works Director Chiu said that to staffs knowledge, we have not seen any <br />documentation written by town staff that indicated the resident did not need to pay a <br />secondary dwelling unit. <br />The Council asked Mr. Sloss to provide the written documentation to the City <br />Manager within the next 24 hours and if acceptable, place on the Consent Calendar <br />for approval in September. <br />Mr. Sloss said that the documents he will produce are his notes that were taken <br />before the meeting and after the meeting to show the resolution. There was no <br />written documentation from Town staff as Mr. Sloss said it was a verbal <br />communication. <br />Councilmember Corrigan withdrew her motion and Vice Mayor Waldeck <br />removed his second. <br />The Subcommittee will take a closer look at the issue of sewer fees for secondary <br />units and return with a recommendation. If needed, hiring a consultant could be <br />considered. <br />6.' ADJOURN <br />Mayor Harpootlian thanked the Council for the efforts they put in tonight and said he <br />would especially like to thank the City Clerk, whose efforts made such a success of the <br />volunteer appreciation dinner and requested that his thanks be extended to the rest of the <br />staff who contributed towards the successful dinner. He further thanked Director Chiu <br />• and expressed that it has been a pleasure serving with him. <br />The meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. <br />10 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />