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10/17/2017 1:45:51 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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Councilmember Radford reported that over the course of four years he met with <br />neighbors, but did not recall names; Vice Mayor Waldeck stated he met with Mr. <br />Linebarger a few years ago before the annexation occurred and on a few occasions <br />have talked with neighbors; Mayor Harpootlian said in October 2012, he met with <br />Mr. Linebarger and last Monday (August 22) he met with him during Mayor <br />office hours. <br />Mayor Harpootlian opened the Public Hearing. He then outlined the agenda and <br />the format for the meeting. Staff will provide a presentation; following the <br />presentation, the applicant may have 15 minutes to introduce the first property and <br />then the Council will accept public input. Mr. Linebarger shall be provided time <br />to address the public input, then the matter will return to Council for <br />discussion. Lot 3 will be addressed in a similar manner. <br />Consultant Planner Steve Padovan presented the staff report. <br />Sart Hechtman, Land Use Counsel for Mr. Linebarger, addressed the <br />procedural issue and stated that as is a special meeting for this particular item, and <br />the applicant is not normally limited and he should have been notified in <br />advance. The applicant was not made aware of the time limit in advance. Mr. <br />Linebarger prepared a detailed presentation that would take 45 minutes and <br />requested more time on the first presentation. <br />• City Attorney Steve Mattas said that the Council has discretion to set the time. A <br />presentation was made before the Planning Commission and the Council has <br />information from that hearing, so the Council is not obligated to provide additional <br />time beyond the 15 minutes, but if they chose to, they can allow more time for the <br />presentation. <br />A brief discussion ensued and the Council agreed to allocate 50 minutes for both <br />presentations. <br />Mr. Heckman provided a summary of Mr. Linebarger's application. He requested <br />clear direction from the Council and that Mr. Linebarger's preference was not to <br />be returned to the Planning Commission, but to continue future dialogue directly <br />with the City Council. <br />Forrest Linebarger presented his application to the City Council. <br />Esther John, Los Altos Hills, urged the City Council to uphold the Planning <br />Commission's decision to deny the conditional development permit and variances <br />requested by Mr. Linebarger. <br />Dave Kehlet, Los Altos Hills, asked the Council to reject the urbanization of Los <br />Altos Hills. <br />• <br />3 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />
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