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• Karen Kehlet, Los Altos Hills, requested that Mr. Linebarger's applications be <br />denied. <br />Hal Feeney, Los Altos Hills, urged the Council not accept the setback argument, <br />that just because it has been done that way does not mean that it should be done. <br />Mary Jo Feeney, Los Altos Hills, addressed the issue of setbacks. <br />Ed Cristal, Los Altos Hills, urged the Council to deny the appeal. <br />Enrique Klein, Los Altos Hills, urged the Council to sustain the denials of the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Aart De Geus, Los Altos Hills, observed that lot sizes and regulations are fair; <br />variances are a results of history; he asked that the Council ratify the Planning <br />Commission's recommendation and deny the conditional development permit and <br />variance requests. <br />Judy Klein, Los Altos Hills, asked the Council to not set a precedent and to <br />support the decisions made by the Planning Commission. <br />Gregory Fretz, Los Altos Hills, said that at the June Planning <br />• Commission meeting Mr. Linebarger was given specific direction, but he insists <br />on this current plan. <br />Brian Mahbod, Los Altos Hills, requested the Council uphold the Planning <br />Commission's denial. <br />Mr. Heckman provided a rebuttal to the public comment. <br />Mayor Harpootlian closed the Public Hearing and returned the discussion to the <br />Council. <br />City Attorney Mattas responded to some of the comments, by Mr. Linebarger. <br />Consultant Planner Padovan stated that Mr. Linebarger's application was <br />originally submitted in December 2014. Staff always responds within 30 days of <br />the application being submitted. Staff did respond with an incomplete letter within <br />that 30 day period. Additionally, incomplete letters were sent in March, June and <br />November 2015. Mr. Linebarger returned with a redesign and made the <br />application complete in December 2015. The Planning Commission study session <br />was held in February 2016. The Planning Commission hearing was in June 2016. <br />Mayor Harpootlian explained that both he and Councilmember Corrigan, before <br />they were appointed to the City Council, met with Mr. Linebarger in 2012 and <br />• discussed lot line adjustments. Mr. Linebarger was not receptive at that time. <br />4 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />