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10/17/2017 1:45:51 PM
Special Meeting Minutes
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Councilmember Radford said he supports returning it to the Planning <br />Commission without taking action on the appeal and encouraged Mr. Linebarger <br />to seriously work with the Planning Commission for a more supportable design. <br />Councilmember Spreen said that there is no argument that this parcel can support <br />some sort of livable house. Because this parcel is uniquely narrow, there will have <br />to be some sort of variance setback application and the Commission and the <br />Council will have to determine how to deal with that. In responding to the request <br />from the applicant for clear direction, Councilmember Spreen stated that "it isn't <br />our role to do that, that is why we have a Planning Commission." He said that the <br />house as presented is just too big. He did appreciate seeing new options that <br />addressed some of the issues and said as the house gets smaller, the problems get <br />less. <br />Mayor Harpootlian said that he turned in his Planning Commission hat years ago <br />and is not going to put it back on. However, constrained lots of less than 1/2 acre <br />were the nemesis of the Planning Commission and it was difficult to find a <br />reasonable compromise. One of the things the Commission looked at is to fit them <br />within the constraints of the neighborhood and Mr. Linebarger has presented <br />information stating that is what he is trying to do: Both the planning staff and the <br />Commission have stated that there is more work to be done. He said that the <br />• Council may entertain a motion that this be returned to the Planning Commission. <br />City Attorney Mattas requested that Mr. Linebarger or his representative indicate <br />on the record that they concur that they did specifically ask the Council to continue <br />discussions with them, but the Council does have a right to refer this back to the <br />Planning Commission. <br />Mr. Heckman stated that he requested that they receive feedback from the City <br />Council and the opportunity to refine the design. He further said that they have no <br />objection to return to the Planning Commission to discuss more design refinements. <br />City Attorney Mattas said the Council was discussing upholding the Planning <br />Commission's determination which would essentially uphold the denial. Mr. <br />Linebarger could come back in with a revised application, but the motion the <br />Council is entertaining is to stay the current proceeding so that the matter is referred <br />back to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will again consider it <br />with the new plans that have been submitted with public comment and then the <br />Planning Commission will then render a decision, which could be appealed to the <br />City Council. Mr. Heckman concurred with the process outlined by Mr. Mattas. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Corrigan moved to: <br />with the concurrence of the applicant, refer the hatter of Lot 1 (LANDS OF <br />• LINEBARGER; 10728 Mora Drive (Formerly 10730 Mora Drive, Lot 1): Appeal <br />of the Planning Commission denial of a Site Development Permit and Conditional <br />Development Permit for a new 2,696 square foot, two-story single-family dwelling <br />6 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />
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