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within ten (10) feet of the property line on a .398 acre lot; (Maximum height of <br />structure is 27'); Original File #413-14-ZP-SD-GD-CDP-VAR; Appeal File #198- <br />16-MISC; CEQA review: Categorical Exemption - per Section 15303(a)- <br />construction of a new single-family residence in a residential zone district (Staff: <br />S. Avila <br />City Attorney Mattas asked the City Council to consider, given the direction that <br />the Council provided on Lot 1, the approach to Lot 3 would be similar. If the <br />Council were to consider that, both lots would be considered at the Planning <br />Commission. <br />Mayor Harpootlian asked the Council if they were willing to entertain this request <br />by the City Attorney, then he would ask the applicant. There was Council <br />consensus agreement to return both lots to the Planning Commission. <br />Mr. Heckman, replied that as Lot 1 is substantially similar to Lot 3, the applicant <br />would not object to refer the matter to the Planning Commission. He further said <br />that as long as it is understood, that just like Lot 1, the applicant is not waiving any <br />right to appeal back to this subsequent body. <br />Aart De Geus, Los Altos Hills, stated that this issue feels like Groundhog Day and <br />while he respects the Council's decision, he requested that the process that is well <br />determined with a Planning Commission that makes an assessment and <br />recommendation and the council ratifies or rejects it. He asked that the Planning <br />Commission and staff provide sufficient guidance to the applicant. <br />Dave Kehlet, Los Altos Hills, said the county building setbacks are 15 feet and as a <br />negotiating point the Council may consider to take a stronger position. <br />Enrique Klein, Los Altos Hills, commented that he was disappointed by the <br />Council's decision that the applicant's appeal was not denied. <br />Councilmember Radford said when the applicant returns to the Planning <br />Commission, there may be some benefit to the neighborhood working with what <br />might be acceptable rather than simply continuing to argue that he has no right to <br />build. The Council has not been given legal advice that he has no right to build on <br />the lots. It might be more beneficial to work with the Planning Commission and the <br />applicant to come up with something that might be more acceptable to the <br />neighborhood. <br />Mayor Harpootlian closed the Public Hearing. <br />MOTION MADE AND SECONDED: Councilmember Corriean moved: with the <br />concurrence of the applicant, refer the matter of Lot 3 (LANDS OF LINEBARGER; <br />• 10758 Mora Drive (Formerly 10730 Mora Drive, Lot 3): Appeal of the Planning <br />Commission denial of a Site Development Permit and Conditional Development <br />Permit for a new 2,520 square foot, two-story single-family dwelling with 2,583 <br />8 <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />