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square feet of basement area on two levels and variance requests for side yard <br />building setbacks of ten (10) and 15 feet, uncovered parking and vehicle back-up <br />areas within two (2) feet of the property line, hardscape and basement 4htwells in <br />the side yard setbacks, andrg ading within ten (10) feet of the property line on a .398 <br />acre lot; (Maximum height of structure is 27'), Original File #413-14-ZP-SD-GD- <br />CDP-VAR; Appeal File #198-16-MISC; CEQA review: Categorical Exemption per <br />Section 15303(aa) - construction of a new single-family residence in a residential zone <br />district) application back to the Planning Commission for further public hearing and <br />consideration; Mr. Linebar e�present his alternative plans to the Planning <br />Commission and the Planning Commission will consider the alternative plans, the <br />Council's input and the current and further neighborhood input as it considers the <br />proposed alternative project. The motion was seconded by Vice Mayor Waldeck. <br />Motion Carried 5 to 0: <br />AYES: Mayorrpootlian, Vice Mayor Waldeck, Councilmember <br />Corrigan, Councilmember Radford, Councilmember Spreen <br />NOES: None <br />ABSENT: None <br />• ABSTAIN: None <br />5. <br />• <br />NEW BUSINESS <br />A. Memorandum on Sewer Service Charge for Secondary Dwellings (Staff. R. Chiu) <br />— Continued from the August 18, 2016 City Council meeting <br />Public Works Director Richard Chiu presented the report. <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Roddy Sloss, Los Altos Hills, said he was never informed about a secondary unit <br />fee. <br />Jitze Couperus, Los Altos Hills, said that he was not advocating for any position, <br />but said there were potential unintended consequences as we need secondary <br />dwellings for housing requirements. <br />Allan Epstein, Los Altos Hills, said that Proposition 218 supersedes the municipal <br />code and says you have to apportion fees relative to the burden that the property <br />places on the system. The Town's municipal code and fee structure do not make <br />clear what someone is going to pay and it is inconsistent. <br />City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br />August 25, 2016 <br />