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q'11 <br />Minutes of a Regular Meeting DRAFT <br />Town of Los Altos Hills <br />PLANNING COMMISSION <br />THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 16,2006,7:00 p.m. <br />Council Chambers, 26379 Fremont Road <br />cc: Cassettes ( 2 ) 43-06 <br />ROLL CALL AND PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE <br />The regular meeting of the Planning Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Council <br />Chambers at Town Hall. <br />Present: Chairman Cottrell, Commissioners Carcy, Kerns, Collins & Clow <br />Staff. Planning Director Carl Cahill; Project Planner Leslie Hopper; Assistant Planner Brim <br />Froelich; Planning Secretary Lam Smith <br />PRESENTATIONS FROM THE FLOOR -none <br />3. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />3.1 LANDS OF GRAHAM, 2344 Old Page Mill Road (238-05-ZP-SD); A request <br />for a Site Development Permit for a 682 square foot addition and major remodel <br />including 236 square feet added to the second story (no proposed change to the <br />height of the building). The project includes alterations to the existing driveway. <br />The applicant also requests a minimum setback of 10' from the top of Matadero <br />Creek bank where 25' is the minimum per Section 10-2.702 (e) of the Site <br />Development Code. CEQA status -Categorically Exempt per 15301(e) (staff -Brim <br />Froelich); <br />Staff introduced this item by reviewing the staff report regarding the size of the property, Old <br />Page Mill Road access on a 10 foot widejoint driveway that is shared with the property owner at <br />2300 Old Page Mill Road with the applicants having rights for egress and ingress. He further <br />discussed the current development on the site with Matadero Creek running south to north right <br />through the center of the property. The Section being reviewed is 10 -2.705 -Siting (setbacks). <br />He discussed the first floor level addition proposal totaling 446 square feet. He reviewed the <br />areas (additions) nearer to the creek setback (deck, bay window, floor area). The second story <br />addition totals 236 square feet which includes a bathroom and master bedroom closet addition. <br />There is a storm drain easement on the property established with the subdivision. The Water <br />District has reviewed this proposal and has issued a permit (Attachment 2) subject to specific <br />conditions. Staff is recommending approval for the project with the condition that the property <br />owner grant an open space easement to the east side of Matadero Creek that would measure 25 <br />feet wide from top of bank. The owner has requested that the Commission omit this condition of <br />approval. Staff's position is that this is found in the General Plan specifically Principle 306.1. <br />Another issue is the circulation on the site. Due to the change to the garage, the garage doors <br />