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Planning Commission Minutes DRAFT <br />February 16, 2006 <br />Page 2 <br />would now face west; the existing doors faced north- This is an intensification of a non- <br />conforming driveway in the setback. Staff has recommended that the non -conforming driveway <br />be reduced to the minimum required. Also, the fire department has required widening a portion <br />of the access driveway; parcel A, which is not part of the subject property. Parcel A property <br />owner has contacted the planning department voicing some concerns. Both property owners <br />would have to be in agreement before permits were issued. He referred to Section 10-2.1102, <br />"driveways shall not be located within 10 feet of my property line except as necessary for sight <br />access or common driveways." This existing driveway was approved in 1979 by the Site <br />Development authority. Because it was approved, staff only recommended removal of the non <br />required portions of the driveway. If this was a major addition or new construction, staff would <br />have required the driveway to be brought into full conformance with this Section. He indicated <br />that the Commission has the discretion to allow the paving to stay as the applicant has requested. <br />Discussion ensued regarding the open space easement versus the storin drain easement as they <br />pertain to usage. The storm drain easement as described in the subdivision map does not speak <br />of wildlife protection or vegetation; the open space easement language would refer to wildlife or <br />vegetation protection. The deck and the request to reduce it by one foot were reviewed as well <br />as the top of bank location. It was clarified that the footprint of the residence is not actually <br />being expanded but enclosed. The 9 foot deck will be the only new piece of footprint to be <br />constructed. <br />OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br />Daryl Harris, project archilect, requested a lesser setback from the creek. He provided an <br />overview of the property illustrating the constraints of the lot with the creek going right through <br />it, The proposed additions were reviewed. He requested using the storm drain easement as the <br />setback line as it was used when this house was originally built. This would reduce further <br />constraints. Another issue of concern was the request to relocate the AC unit. He would be <br />willing to relocate it; staying on the same sides using the storm drain easement as a definition of <br />setback. He further discussed the request for an open space easement as it would further <br />encumber an already constrained property. He also discussed the driveway reduction as they <br />would prefer not removing the turning area as it would make it extremely difficult to maneuver <br />into the side entry garage. They would be willing to reduce some development area to the rem, <br />returning it to vegetation. The fire department bad two requirements; sprinkling and widening <br />the driveway to the bridge with some discussion regarding tapering back so someone does not <br />run off the bridge. <br />Am Graham, property owner since 1984 stated the sole purpose for the remodeling was to rehab <br />the building, improve the landscaping, bringing it up to date, and adding a bedroom and bath <br />downstairs for their older days. When they developed the plan, they thought they were within all <br />of the conformance features. She voiced issues with the pavement which would makes backing <br />out difficult (tight space). She wanted to keep the pavement they have for turnaround <br />possibilities and improved visibility getting in and out of the driveway (safety issues). They <br />were also trying to understand what the City wants out of the added open space easement <br />request. It was their understanding when they bought the lot that they had the storin drain <br />easement and nothing could be built or done to that side of the property. Also, that whole area is <br />