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confrontation in connection with attempts to steal marijuana and risk of fire damage and loss from <br />improper wiring within structures growing marijuana. <br />3. By adopting the ordinance, the Town will satisfy the requirement under the new <br />state legislation that an application for a state license for commercial recreational marijuana <br />operations in the Town cannot be approved if approval of the state license would violate Town <br />land use regulations or ordinances regulating or prohibiting commercial marijuana operations. <br />4. The Town of Los Altos Hills' Zoning Codes are hereby amended where and as <br />necessary to prohibit cultivation of recreational marijuana and commercial recreational marijuana <br />activity and businesses in the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br />5. This project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br />pursuant to "general exemptions" described in Section 15061 (b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines, since <br />the ordinance would not have any significant effects on the environment. <br />6. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments are consistent with the adopted <br />General Plan because the prohibited uses are not compatible with the low density, semi -rural <br />atmosphere of the community. None of the amendments will conflict with or impede achievement <br />of any of the objectives, goals, policies, programs, or general land use designations established in <br />the General Plan and are compatible with such General Plan objectives, policies, general land uses, <br />and programs. <br />SECTION II. AMENDMENTS. <br />The City Council hereby amends the following sections of the Los Altos Hills Municipal <br />Code to read as follows (with additions indicated in double underline). Sections and subsections <br />that are not amended by this ordinance are not included below, and shall remain in full force and <br />effect. <br />1. Section 10-1.202 Designated. is hereby amended: <br />Commercial cannabis activity includes cultivation, possession, manufacture, processing, <br />storing, laboratory testing, oackaeine. labeling, sortation, delivery. distribution, or <br />sale of medieel cannabis or a medical cannabis product. <br />2. Section 10-1.706 Prohibited Uses. is hereby amended: <br />The following uses are prohibited in the Residential -Agricultural District (R -A): <br />(a) Medical and recreational marijuana or cannabis cultivation, including outdoor <br />cultivation for personal use; <br />(b) All commercial medical and recreational marijuana or cannabis activities except <br />Ordinance 573 Page 3 <br />