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ORDINANCE NO. 4n� <br /> ORDINANCE OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> AMENDING SECTION 10-1.501 (MINIMUM PARCEL SIZE) <br /> OF THE ZONING CODE AND SECTION 9-1.604 (LOT SIZE AND REQUIREMENTS) <br /> OF THE SUBDIVISION CODE <br /> WITH REGARD TO THE SHAPE OF PARCELS <br /> WHEREAS,the City Council wishes to assure that new parcels are created,through <br /> subdivisions or lot line adjustments, with a reasonable shape in order to accommodate <br /> permitted uses and access and avoid creating odd shaped lots within the Town. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does ORDAIN <br /> as follows: <br /> 1. Amendment of Code. Section 10-1.501 (Minimum Parcel Size) of Article 5 <br /> (Area, Coverage, Height and Setback Limitations)of Chapter 1 (Zoning)of Title 10 (Zoning <br /> and Site Development) of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code is hereby amended to add a <br /> new subsection (d) to read as follows: <br /> "(d) Each lot shall be configured to avoid discontinuous segments and avoid <br /> areas of lot width or depth less than thirty feet (30'), other than where such <br /> a configuration already exists and is not made narrower by the creation or <br /> alteration of the lot." <br /> 2. Amendment of Code. Section 9-1.604 (Lot size and requirements)of Article <br /> 6 (Tentative Lot Design and Development Plans) of Chapter 1 (Subdivisions) of Title 9 <br /> (Subdivisions and Plan Lines) is hereby amended to add a new subdivision (i) to read as <br /> follows: <br /> "(i) Each lot shall be configured to avoid discontinuous segments and avoid <br /> areas of lot width or depth less than thirty feet (30'), other than where such <br /> a configuration already exists and is not made narrower by the creation or <br /> alteration of the lot." <br /> 3. CEQA. This ordinance will have no significant effects on the environment as <br /> set forth in the negative declaration approved pursuant to the California Environmental <br /> Quality Act. <br /> 4. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this ordinance is held to be invalid or <br /> inapplicable to any situation by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not <br /> affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the applicability of this <br /> ordinance to other situations. <br /> N:\DATA\Clients\L\LAH\OrdVLotShape.ORD <br />