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parcels or lots which have'a Lot Unit Factor of .50 or less. Parcels or lots <br /> which have a Lot Unit Factor of.50 or less require a Conditional Development <br /> Permit and floor area may be restricted below five thousand (5,000) square <br /> feet as a condition of the permit. Maximum floor area for lots which require a <br /> Conditional Development Permit shall be established as the ratio of the Lot <br /> Unit Factor (LUF) for the lot divided by 0.50 times five thousand (5,000) <br /> square feet. The Site Development Authority may approve floor area of up to . <br /> two thousand five hundred (2,500) square feet for any lot without requiring a <br /> variance, so long as the findings for a Conditional Development Permit are <br /> made." <br /> 3. CEQA. This ordinance will have no significant effects on the environment as <br /> set forth in the mitigated negative declaration (and addendum thereto) approved pursuant <br /> to the California Environmental Quality Act. <br /> 4. SEVERABILITY. If any part of this ordinance is held to be invalid or <br /> inapplicable to any situation by a court of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not <br /> affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance or the applicability of this <br /> ordinance to other situations. <br /> 5. EFFECTIVE DATE; POSTING. This ordinance shall become effective thirty <br /> (30)days from the date of its passage, and shall be posted within the Town of Los Altos Hills <br /> in three (3) public places. <br /> INTRODUCED: May 17, 2001 <br /> PASSED: June .7, 2001 <br /> AYES: Mayor Finn and Councilmembers Casey and Fenwick <br /> NOES: Councilmenbers Cheng and O'Malley <br /> ABSTENTIONS: None <br /> ABSENT: None <br /> Mayor <br /> ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM: <br /> <br /> City Clerk City torney <br /> 2 N:\DATA\Clients\L\LAH\Ord\DevArea2.ord.wpd <br />