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ORDINANCE NO. 418 <br /> ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> AMENDING SECTION 10-1.223 (FLOOR AREA) OF TITLE 10 (ZONING AND_SITE <br /> DEVELOPMENT) OF CHAPTER 1 (ZONING) OF THE LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> MUNICIPAL CODE <br /> WHEREAS, the City Council of the Town of Los Altos-Hills ("Town") wishes to <br /> amend the definition of"Floor Area" in its Municipal Code. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the Town does ORDAIN as follows: <br /> 1. Amendment of Code. Section 10-1.223 (Floor area) of Article 2 (Definitions) <br /> of Chapter 1 (Zoning) of Title 10 (Zoning and Site Development) of--the Los Altos Hills <br /> Municipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows: <br /> "Floor area" shall mean the gross horizontal area of-the several floors of all <br /> buildings, including garage space and carport space(if the carport space was <br /> approved after March 9, 2002), measured to the outside of exterior walls. <br /> Floor area is counted twice when the vertical distance between the upper <br /> surface of the floor orthe underside of the roof directly above it is greater than <br /> seventeen feet (17'). Stairwells shall only be counted as floor area once. <br /> That portion of an attic is considered floor area when the distance between <br /> the upper surface of the attic floor and the underside of the'roof above it is <br /> more than seven feet(7')in height. For the purposes of this definition, all attic <br /> spaces are considered to have floor surfaces. Area meeting the definition of <br /> a basement is exempted from floor area. <br /> 2. CEQA. This ordinance is not a project for the purposes of the California <br /> Environmental Quality Act, since it has no potential for resulting in a significant <br /> environmental-effect. <br /> 3. EFFECTIVE DATE: POSTING. This ordinance shall become effective thirty <br /> (30) days from the date of its passage, and shall be posted within the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills in three (3) public places. <br /> INTRODUCED: January 17, 2002 <br /> PASSED: February 7, 2002 <br /> AYES: Mayor Pro Tem Fenmck and Councilmen-bers Cheng, Finn and O'Malley <br /> NOES: None <br /> 1 N:IDATA1ClientslLlLAH1Ord\FloorArea3.ord.wpd <br />