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+,d <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 423 <br /> ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE .; <br /> TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS AMENDING CERTAIN <br /> CHAPTERS OF THE CONFLICTS OF INTEREST CODE <br /> WHEREAS, pursuant to changes in the California Political Reform Act ("Act") <br /> (Government Code section 81000, et seq.), and the regulations adopted by the Fair Political + <br /> Practices Commission thereunder, the City Council has determined that certain amendments to <br /> the Town of Los Altos Hills Conflicts of Interest Code ("Town Conflicts Code") are required to <br /> ensure that the Town Conflicts Code meets the requirements of the Act; <br /> NOW, THERFORE,the City Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does ORDAIN as =� <br /> follows: ` <br /> Section 1. Section 2-6.07 entitled Statements for persons who resign thirty(30) days <br /> after appointment" of the Town Conflicts Code is deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: <br /> 2-6.07. Statements for persons who resign 30 days after appointment <br /> Persons who resign within twelve (12) months following initial <br /> appointment or within thirty (30) days of the date of a notice mailed by the filing <br /> officer of the individual's filing obligation are not deemed to have assumed office <br /> or left office provided they did not make or participate in the making of, or use <br /> their position to influence any decision and did not receive or become entitled to <br /> receive any form of payment as a result of their appointment. Such persons shall <br /> not file either an assuming or leaving office statement. However, within thirty <br /> (30) days of the date of a notice mailed by the City Clerk, the individual shall do <br /> both of the following: <br /> (a) File a written resignation with the City Council; and <br /> (b) File a written statement with the City Clerk on a form prescribed by <br /> the Fair Political Practices Commission and signed under the penalty of perjury <br /> stating that the individual, during the period between appointment and <br /> resignation, did not make, participate in the making, or use the position to <br /> influence any decision of the City Council, or any department, division, bureau, <br /> office, board, commission or other agency thereof, or receive, or become entitled <br /> to receive, any form of payment by virtue of being appointed to the position. <br /> Section 2. Section 2-6.10 entitled "Prohibitions" of the Town Conflicts Code is <br /> deleted in its entirety and replaced as follows: <br /> 2.6.10. Prohibitions. <br /> (a) No designated employee shall accept any honorarium. <br />