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o <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 4 2 9 <br /> ORDINANCE OF THE COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF LOS ALTOS HILLS <br /> AMENDING THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE, TITLE 9, ARTICLE 14 <br /> "PARKS AND RECREATION REQUIREMENTS", SECTIONS 9-1.1403, <br /> 9-1.1405, 9-1.1406 <br /> The Council of the Town of Los Altos Hills does ORDAIN as follows: <br /> SECTION 1. Findings and Declarations: The City Council finds and declares <br /> that: <br /> A. In enacting that ordinance the Council determined that the ordinance as <br /> amended includes definite standards for determining the proportion of a <br /> subdivision to be dedicated and the amount of any fee to be paid in-lieu <br /> thereof. <br /> B. In enacting that ordinance the Council determined that conservation <br /> easements are important for protecting natural resources and public safety. <br /> However, they do not contribute to the amount of public land available for <br /> parks and recreation. <br /> C. In enacting that ordinance the Council determined that conservation <br /> easements shall continue to be required for purposes of protecting natural <br /> resources except that they shall not be accepted in-lieu of public park land <br /> and recreational facilities or fees that the Town may otherwise require <br /> from residential subdividers pursuant to Government Code § 66477 and <br /> the Town Recreation Element of the Town General Plan. <br /> SECTION 2. Article 14 of Title 9 of the Los Altos Hills Municipal Code is <br /> herby amended to read as follows: <br /> Sec. 9-1.1403. Requirements for park and recreation dedication fees. <br /> (a)Every subdivider shall be required to dedicate a portion of land, or pay a <br /> fee in lieu thereof, or a combination of both, at the option of the City for the <br /> purpose of providing park and/or recreational space/facilities. Said authority shall <br /> be governed by Section 9-1.1402. <br /> (b)Fees in lieu of land dedication. A subdivider may pay a fee to the City <br /> in lieu of dedicating land if(1) there is no park or recreational facility to be located <br /> in whole or in part within the proposed subdivision or site, or (2) the proposed <br /> subdivision contains fifty or fewer lots or parcels. Such fee shall be in an amount <br /> equal to the fair market value of the amount of land which would otherwise be <br /> required to be dedicated pursuant to Paragraph (b) of Section 9-1.1404. "Fair <br /> market value," as used herein, shall be the greater of(1) the average estimated fair <br /> 1 <br />