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Building site means that portion of a lot or parcel on which a residence may be placed so <br /> as to conform with the provisions of this chapter and all building, sanitary, zoning, and other laws <br /> or ordinances of the Town. The building site shall not include areas within required yard, creek <br /> and drainage setbacks, shall be outside of known fault zones and easements, and shall not include <br /> areas with slopes in excess of 30% unless the average slope of the property exceeds 30%. All <br /> proposed building sites shall be sufficient in area to accommodate the maximum floor area <br /> permitted for a proposed parcel. <br /> Certificate of Compliance means a document prepared and issued by the Town, and <br /> intended for recordation certifying that a parcel or parcels of property within the Town are lots <br /> lawfully created and existing in compliance with this title and the Subdivision Map Act and can <br /> be sold, leased or financed without further proceedings under this title. <br /> Corridor means the same as "panhandle." In addition, the term means a portion of land <br /> utilized primarily for vehicular access from the public or private vehicular right-of-way to the <br /> buildable area of two or more lots. Said portion of land may be in single ownership with granted <br /> easements, or may be in multiple ownerships with granted reciprocal easements. <br /> Driveway means a private way or route for use by vehicular traffic leading from a parking <br /> area,house,garage or other structure to a public or private right-of-way, and serving no more than <br /> two (2)parcels or lots. <br /> Easement, Buffer. Buffer easement means a portion of land which may be improved by <br /> the subdivider at Town discretion in such a manner as to delimit unattractive visual surroundings, <br /> reduce noise from surrounding lands or roadways, separate vehicular traffic from pedestrian and <br /> equestrian traffic for traffic safety purposes, or for any other reasons as may be determined by the <br /> Planning Commission and affirmed by the City Council. <br /> Easement, Conservation is a voluntary legal agreement between a landowner and a <br /> qualified conservation organization or a public agency that protects the land in its natural, scenic, <br /> historical, agricultural, forested, or open space condition in perpetuity. A conservation easement <br /> permanently limits the extent and location of future structures and defines the type of land use(s) <br /> that can occur while allowing landowners to retain ownership and control of the property. <br /> Easement,Open Space means an easement over a portion of land reserved for the express <br /> purpose of protecting natural vegetation, terrain, watercourses, and wildlife habitat and for the <br /> purpose of preventing or limiting drainage and erosion problems. This type of easement may be <br /> required by the Town as a condition of approval for the subdivision/development of parcels in <br /> designated Open Space Conservation Areas, on areas with a 30% or greater slope, on areas with <br /> heritage oak trees,or on other environmentally sensitive areas such as along drainages,creeks and <br /> riparian corridors. Limitations on the location and type of future structures, the placement of <br /> utilities,allowable uses and other variables are defined in an Agreement for Open Space Easement, <br /> while allowing landowners to retain ownership of the property. <br /> Easement, Pathway. Pathway easement means a portion of land reserved for the express <br /> use of equestrian, pedestrian, or bicycle traffic, or any combination use thereof, as recommended <br /> Ordinance 572 Page 4 <br />