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SECTION I. FINDINGS. <br /> Based on the entirety of the record as described above, the City Council for the Town of <br /> Los Altos Hills hereby makes the following findings: <br /> 1. All of the facts and recitals above are true, corrected, incorporated herein and made <br /> a part hereof such that there exists a current and immediate threat to the public health, safety, and <br /> welfare requiring immediate implementation of an urgency ordinance to prohibit marijuana <br /> cultivation and commercial operations within the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> 2. The urgency ordinance is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public <br /> peace, health, and safety because the cultivation of marijuana in other cities and towns as resulted <br /> in calls for service to the police department, including calls for robberies and thefts; marijuana <br /> cultivation poses safety risks to surrounding neighbors,including but not limited to,risks of violent <br /> confrontation in connection with attempts to steal marijuana and risk of fire damage and loss from <br /> improper wiring within structures growing marijuana. The City Council of the Town of Los Altos <br /> Hills hereby finds that there continues to exist a current and immediate threat to the public <br /> health, safety and welfare that warrants the extension of the temporary moratorium on the <br /> cultivation of marijuana including personal outdoor cultivation and the establishment of all <br /> commercial recreational marijuana operation as described in this Ordinance. <br /> 3. By adopting the ordinance, the Town will satisfy the requirement under the new <br /> state legislation that an application for a state license for commercial recreational marijuana <br /> operations in the Town cannot be approved if approval of the state license would violate Town <br /> land use regulations or ordinances regulating or prohibiting commercial marijuana operations. <br /> 4. The Town of Los Altos Hills' Zoning Codes are hereby amended where and as <br /> necessary to prohibit cultivation of recreational marijuana and commercial recreational marijuana <br /> activity and businesses in the Town of Los Altos Hills. <br /> 5. This project is exempt from California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) <br /> pursuant to"general exemptions"described in Section 15061(b)(3)of the CEQA Guidelines, since <br /> the ordinance would not have any significant effects on the environment. <br /> 6. The proposed Zoning Ordinance amendments are consistent with the adopted <br /> General Plan because the prohibited uses are not compatible with the low density, semi-rural <br /> atmosphere of the community. None of the amendments will conflict with or impede achievement <br /> of any of the objectives, goals, policies, programs, or general land use designations established in <br /> the General Plan and are compatible with such General Plan objectives,policies,general land uses, <br /> and programs. <br /> SECTION IL MORATORIUM EXTENDED. <br /> In accordance with the authority granted to the Town of Los Altos Hills under Article <br /> XI, section 7 of the California Constitution and California Government Code section 65858, <br /> from and after the date of this Ordinance, the temporary moratorium established and imposed <br /> by the Town as of December 14, 2017, is hereby extended for 10 months and 15 days and the <br /> Ordinance 574 Page 3 <br />