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O <br /> f. Construction project means and includes any project undertaken for the purpose of <br /> development, including without limitation a project involving the issuance of a permit for <br /> construction, reconstruction, or change of use, and a project involving the issuance of a <br /> permit to remodel, rehabilitate, or improve an existing structure and/or the rebuilding of <br /> a structure destroyed or damaged by an act of God, or the replacement of one structure <br /> with another. <br /> g. Impact fee means any monetary exaction imposed by the Town as a condition of or in <br /> connection with approval of a project for the purpose of defraying all or some of the cost <br /> of or repayment of costs previously expended from other City funds for street <br /> maintenance and repair. <br /> h. Impose means to determine that a particular building permit or refuse collection <br /> company is subject to the collection of impact fees as a condition of approval. <br /> 3-3.507 Notice and Hearing Required for Establishing or Increasing an <br /> Impact Fee <br /> a. Prior to establishing or increasing any impact fee, the City Council shall hold a public <br /> hearing at which oral and written testimony may be given. <br /> b. Notice of the time and place of the public hearing, including a general explanation of <br /> the matter to be considered, shall be published for a minimum of ten days prior to the <br /> hearing, in a newspaper regularly published at least once a week and distributed within <br /> the town. The period of notice commences upon the first day of publication and <br /> terminates at the end of the tenth day. <br /> c. At least ten days prior to the public hearing, the Town shall make available to the <br /> public data showing the amount, or the estimated amount of the impact fee, and a <br /> summary of the basis for the calculation of the impact fee amount. <br /> d. Council action to establish or increase any impact fee shall be taken only by ordinance <br /> or resolution. <br /> e. Any costs incurred by the Town in preparing for and conducting the public hearing <br /> may be recovered as a part of the impact fees which are the subject of the hearing. <br /> 3-3.508 Imposition, Calculation and Collection of Impact Fees. <br /> a. Except as provided in this ordinance and any amendment to this ordinance, the Town <br /> shall impose impact fees as a condition of approval of all building permit valuations <br /> equal to or greater than $10,000. A refuse vehicle impact fee shall be imposed on all <br /> operators of refuse collection companies based on the portion of street maintenance and <br /> repair attributable to damage caused by the heavy vehicles. <br /> b. Impact fees shall be imposed by including the following language in any document of <br />