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11 11 <br /> c Commute means a home-to-work or work-to-home <br /> trip. <br /> (d) "Commute alternatives" means any form of commute <br /> transportation except by single-occupancy vehicle. <br /> (e) "Commute coordinator" means an employee or <br /> contractor of an employer, whose responsibility is the day- <br /> to-day management of any TDM Program. <br /> (f) "Compressed work week" means a work schedule for <br /> an employee which eliminates at least one roundtrip commute <br /> biweekly. For example, forty hours of work in four ten- <br /> hour days or a work plan that allows one day off every other <br /> week, known as the nine-eighty plan. <br /> (g) "Designee(s) " means any private entity or <br /> governmental agency designated by the city 'to administer all <br /> or any of the provisions of this chapter except those <br /> related to the bringing of enforcement actions under this <br /> chapter. <br /> (h) "Employee" means one who is assigned to the <br /> designated work site in the a.m. peak period. An employee <br /> is one who works in the service of an employer for either <br /> wages or salary, as a contract employee under the direction <br /> of the work site employer or through a temporary service <br /> agency during a period of more than ninety continuous days. <br /> (i) "Employer" means any public or private employer, <br /> including the city and the County of Santa Clara, which has <br /> a work site in the city. For purposes of this ordinance, - <br /> the maximum number of employees on the day shift at the <br /> designated work site shall determine the size of the <br /> employer. <br /> (j) "Flexible .Work Hours" means a variation of an <br /> employee's work hours to provide an incentive for the <br /> employer to use commute alternatives. <br /> (k) "Peak period" means the hours from 6: 00 a.m. to <br /> 9: 00 a.m. , Monday through Friday, excluding federal <br /> holidays. Peak period trips shall mean employees' commute <br /> trips to a work site where the employees' work day begins. <br /> (1) "Person" means an individual, trust, firm, joint <br /> stock company, corporation, partnership, association or <br /> other business entity, city, county, district, the state, <br /> any department or agency thereof, or the United States, to <br /> the extent authorized by law. <br /> (m) "Single-occupancy vehicle" means a motor vehicle <br /> occupied by one employee for commute purposes. <br /> (n) "Telecommuting" means a system of either working <br /> at home or at an off-site work station with computer <br /> facilities that link to the work site. <br /> (o) "Transportation Demand Management" ("TDM") means <br /> the provision of information, assistance, incentives or <br /> other measures designed to increase Average Vehicle <br /> Ridership (AVR) and which is . intended to reduce the number <br /> of motorized vehicles driven to the work site. <br /> (p) "Transportation Demand Management Program" ("TDM <br /> Program") means a plan implemented by an employer designed <br /> - 2 - <br />