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EXHIBIT "A" <br /> LEGAL DESCRIPTION <br /> STREET DEDICATION <br /> 27300 URSULA LANE <br /> LOS ALTOS HILLS, CALIFORNIA <br /> Certain real property situate in the Town of Los Altos Hills, County of Santa Clara, State <br /> of California, described as follows: <br /> A portion of Lot 1, as shown on that certain Tract Map No. 5762, filed for record on <br /> September 15, 1976, in Book 379 of Maps, at Pages 36 and 37, in Santa Clara County <br /> records, and being more particularly described as follows; <br /> BEGINNING at the most northwesterly corner of said Lot 1, also lying on the Southerly <br /> line of Edgerton Road; <br /> Thence along the northwesterly boundary of said Lot 1, South 350 37' 02"West, 10.38 <br /> feet; <br /> Thence, along a line lying 10.00 feet Southerly and concentric with said line of Edgerton <br /> Road, along a curve to the left from a radial bearing of South 50° 53' 50" West, a radius <br /> of 290.00 feet, through a central angle of 35° 51' 12", an arc length of 181.47 feet to a <br /> point of tangency; <br /> Thence,South 74° 57' 22" East, 3.85 to a point lying on the Easterly boundary of said <br /> Lot 1; <br /> Thence, along the Easterly line of said Lot 1,North 40 09' 12" East, 10.18 feet to the <br /> Northeasterly comer of said Lot 1 and lying on the Southerly line of Edgerton Road; <br /> Thence, along the said Southerly line of Edgerton Road, North 74° 57' 22"West, 1.92 <br /> feet to a point of curvature; <br /> Thence, along a tangent curve to the right, having a radius of 280.00 feet, through a <br /> central angle of 36° 24' 47", an arc length of 177.95 feet to the POINT OF <br /> BEGINNING. <br /> Page 1 of 3 <br /> Resolution 40-18 Page 3 <br />