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6-1.405 Failure to comply - Impoundment. Every dog not <br /> wearing a collar to which is attached a valid plate or tag <br /> provided under this title, found or being within the Town, shall <br /> be taken by an animal control officer or the Sheriff and <br /> impounded in the animal center where it may be redeemed by the <br /> owner or person entitled to its possession within three days <br /> after impounding on payment to the city of all accrued charges <br /> . and costs. If not redeemed, such dog shall be destroyed by the <br /> superintendent; provided, however, that the superintendent is <br /> authorized to keep valuable dogs and sell them, and his receipt <br /> for the sale thereof shall be a valid title to the purchaser. <br /> Any dog which has been within the Town for ten days or less <br /> and which is held continuously under a leash not more than six <br /> feet in length by an able-bodied person or confined within an <br /> enclosure or vehicle shall not be taken by an animal control <br /> officer or the police and impounded in the animal center. <br /> 6-1. 406 Duplicate tags. Whenever any plate or tag as <br /> provided in this chapter is lost or stolen, the city treasurer <br /> may issue a duplicate upon application therefor and upon the <br /> payment of a fee as set forth in the Town' s fee schedule and the <br /> filing of an affidavit by the owner or possessor of said dog to <br /> the effect that such tag or plate was lost or stolen. <br /> 6-1.407 Receipt upon redemption. Whenever a dog is <br /> redeemed, the party redeeming must execute a receipt for the dog. <br /> If a license fee has not been paid for the then current year <br /> for any impounded dog, the party redeeming must, before <br /> redemption, pay in advance all charges for rabies vaccination and <br /> will receive a citation or notice to comply with the licensing <br /> ordinance within ten days. <br /> 6-1.408 Number of dogs and female dogs allowed. <br /> (a) No more than three dogs may be kept or maintained <br /> at any street address within the Town. <br /> (b) No more than one unspayed female dog may be kept <br /> or maintained at any street address within the Town. <br /> 6-1. 409 Leash required. No person owning or harboring any <br /> dog shall allow or permit such dog, whether licensed or not, to <br /> be upon a public street, sidewalk, park, school ground, public <br /> place or upon any unenclosed lot or land except when held under <br /> leash by an able-bodied person. <br /> 6-1. 410 Private property. An animal control officer shall <br /> not seize or impound a dog for violation of an ordinance <br /> requiring a dog to be leashed or issue citations for violation of <br /> such ordinance when the dog has not strayed from and is upon <br /> private property owned by the dog owner or the person who has a <br /> - 5 - <br />