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t <br /> right to control the dog, or upon private property to which the <br /> dog owner or person who has a right to control the dog has a <br /> right of possession. A dog that has strayed from but then <br /> returned to the private property of his owner or the person who <br /> has a right to control the dog shall not be seized or impounded, <br /> but in such a case, a citation may be issued; provided, however, <br /> that if in such a situation the owner or person who has a right <br /> to control the dog is not home, the dog may be impounded. The <br /> animal control officer shall post a notice of such impounding on <br /> the front door of the living unit of the owner or person who has <br /> a right to control the dog. Such notice shall state the <br /> following: that the. dog has been impounded, where the dog is <br /> being held, the name, address, and telephone .number of the agency <br /> or person to be contacted regarding release of the dog, and an <br /> indication of the ultimate disposition of the dog if no action to <br /> regain it is taken within a specified period of time by its owner <br /> or by the person who has a right to control the dog. <br /> 6-1. 411 Juvenile citation. A juvenile citation may be <br /> issued to any person under eighteen years of age for violations <br /> of the ordinances codified in this chapter. A juvenile hearing <br /> shall result from issuance of a juvenile citation, requiring an <br /> appearance with one parent before the superintendent of the <br /> animal center. Failure to appear may result in citation being <br /> referred to the Santa Clara County juvenile probation department. <br /> Article 5. Care and Keeping of Animals <br /> Sections: <br /> 6-1. 501 Animals at large. <br /> 6-1. 502 Animals on unenclosed premises. <br /> 6-1. 503 Animals kept in enclosures. <br /> 6-1. 504 Tying animals to trees. <br /> 6-1. 505 Nuisances by animals. <br /> 6-1. 506 Food poisoning. <br /> 6-1. 507 Number of cats. <br /> 6-1. 508 Breeding permit required. <br /> 6-1. 509 Animal at large while in heat - Prohibited. <br /> 6-1. 510 Barking dogs. <br /> 6-1. 511 Vaccination - Rabies. <br /> 6-1. 512 Sanitary enclosures. <br /> 6-1. 513 Animals and vehicles. <br /> 6-1. 501 Animals at large. No person owning or having <br /> Possession charge, custody, or control of any animal except <br /> cats, shall cause, permit or allow the animal to stray, run, or <br /> in any other manner to be at large in or upon any public street, <br /> sidewalk, park or schoolground, or upon an unenclosed lot or <br /> land. <br /> 6-1. 502 Animals on unenclosed premises. No person shall <br /> stake out, herd or graze any animal upon any unenclosed lot or <br /> land in any manner so that the animal may be or go beyond the <br /> - 6 - <br />