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boundary of such lot or land. No person shall stake or tie, or <br /> leave staked or tied, within one hundred feet of an inhabited or <br /> uninhabited residence, any horse, cow, sheep, pig, mule, llama or <br /> goat in an open lot, without the written consent of the owner or <br /> occupant of such residence. <br /> 6-1. 503 Animals kept in enclosures. All horses, cows, <br /> sheep, pigs, mules, llamas and goats within the Town, when not in <br /> use, shall be kept inside of secure enclosures all times. <br /> 6-1. 504 Tying animals to trees.. No person shall tie any <br /> animal to any shrub or tree growing upon or along any of the <br /> sidewalks or streets of the Town. <br /> 6-1. 505 Nuisances by animals. It is unlawful for the <br /> owner or person having custody of any dog to permit either <br /> wilfully or through failure to exercise due care or control, any <br /> such dog to commit any act constituting nuisance as defined under <br /> California Civil Code Section 3479 et sea. and as such part may <br /> hereafter be amended. Without limiting the foregoing, no person <br /> owning or controlling any dog shall permit the animal to (a) <br /> defecate or urinate on private properties, other than that of the <br /> owner or the person having control of the animal; or (b) defecate <br /> on public property without immediately cleaning or removing the <br /> excrement to a proper receptacle. <br /> 6-1. 506 Food poisoning. No person shall place, leave or <br /> expose, in any place accessible to birds, dogs, cats or any <br /> domestic animals, with the intent to kill or harm such animals, <br /> any poisonous substance or ingredient, or any edible or any other <br /> substance or ingredient which has in any manner been treated or <br /> prepared with any poisonous substance or ingredient. <br /> 6-1. 507 Number of cats. <br /> (c) No more than three cats may be kept or maintained <br /> at any street address within the Town. <br /> (d) No more than one unspayed female cat may be kept <br /> or maintained at any street address within the Town. <br /> 6-1. 508 Breeding permit required. Any person owning or <br /> having control, custody, charge or possession of any cat, dog or <br /> bird for breeding purposes shall secure a breeding permit from <br /> the superintendent of the animal shelter. . The fee for such <br /> permit shall be as set forth in the Town' s fee schedule. A cat, <br /> dog or bird shall be deemed to be used for breeding purposes if <br /> more than one litter per year is raised per permit holder. <br /> 6-1. 509 Animal at large while in heat - Prohibited. It is <br /> unlawful for the owner or person having possession, charge, <br /> custody or control of any female dog or cat to cause or permit or <br /> allow the same to stray or run or in any other manner to be at <br /> 7 - <br />