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.c <br /> large upon any public street, lane, alley, or other public place <br /> in the Town while such female cat or dog is in heat. <br /> 6-1. 510 Barking dogs. It is unlawful for any person to <br /> keep, maintain or permit in or upon any premises within the Town <br /> any barking dog that is under the control of that person. <br /> "Barking dog" means a dog that barks, bays, cries, howls or makes <br /> any other noise continuously and incessantly for a period of ten <br /> minutes within a fifteen-minutes period to the disturbance of any <br /> other person. The issuance of a citation shall be within the <br /> discretion of the animal control officer or other enforcement <br /> person. <br /> Nothing in this section shall require or prevent the <br /> utilization of nuisance abatement procedures for abatement of the <br /> nuisance crated by such barking dog. <br /> 6-1. 511 vaccination - Rabies. Every owner of a dog over <br /> four months of age shall cause such dog to be vaccinated with an <br /> anti-rabies vaccine approved by the state department of public <br /> health. Revaccination shall be made at such intervals of time as <br /> may be prescribed by the state department of public health. <br /> Any animal may be exempted from the rabies vaccination <br /> requirement upon approval of the superintendent of the animal <br /> center, and upon presentation of an affidavit from a licensed <br /> veterinarian stating that, in the opinion of such veterinarian, <br /> the vaccination would be injurious to the health and well-being <br /> of such animal. <br /> 6-1. 512 Sanitary enclosures. All animals and all <br /> premises, enclosures or structures wherein animals are kept shall <br /> be maintained in a clean and sanitary and secure condition, free <br /> from all obnoxious odors and substances. All animals and all <br /> premises, enclosures or structures wherein animals are kept shall <br /> be thoroughly cleaned, and all debris, refuse, manure, urine, <br /> waste food, or other removal materials shall be removed therefrom <br /> every day or more often as necessary. <br /> 6-1. 513 Animals and vehicles. <br /> (a) No person shall transport an animal in a motor <br /> vehicle on any public roadway unless the animal is safely <br /> enclosed within the vehicle by means of a container, cage or <br /> other device which will prevent the animal from falling from, <br /> jumping from or being thrown from the motor vehicle. <br /> (b) No person shall leave any animal in an unattended <br /> motor vehicle without adequate ventilation or in such a manner as <br /> to subject the animal to extreme temperatures which may adversely <br /> affect the health or well-being of the animal. <br /> - 8 - <br />