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5. PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> Stan Young, resident, thanked the City Council for supporting the reorganization effort. <br /> He believed it was essential for the Town to control their own destiny over education and <br /> that a neighborhood school was an important factor in the fabric of the community. <br /> Mark Brier, resident, congratulated the Council and panel for their continued efforts on <br /> the education issue. He spoke to a public records request he had made to the Los Altos <br /> School District for email correspondence. Brier believed he did receive full compliance <br /> with his request. He shared email communication comments between District officials <br /> that had been provided. He forwarded a copy of the comments to the City Clerk for the <br /> public record. <br /> Ken Lee, Templeton Place, addressed Council and expressed his support for redistricting <br /> and suggested that it was a way for the residents to stand up for,what was right. He <br /> supported the Council's continued effort with the process. <br /> Bob Kamangar, Snell Lane, explained that he understood the residents "fear" with <br /> redistricting but suggested that they look at Bullis Charter School successes to alleviate <br /> their doubts. He commented that he had no faith in the Los Altos School District and <br /> believed that redistricting would unite the Town. <br /> Eric Clow, Central Drive, spoke to the benefits of having school facilities that could be <br /> • used by the whole Town and encouraged the Council to continue their redistricting <br /> efforts. Clow noted the resources and energy that mainland China was dedicating to <br /> education and offered that for the United States to maintain their competitive edge they <br /> would have to focus more on education. <br /> Resident, expressed her support for redistricting and explained that the turning point for <br /> her was when she realized that the children in her neighborhood within a two block radius <br /> attended seven different schools. She was hopeful that redistricting would address this <br /> issue and interest more families in leaving private schools and enrolling their children in a <br /> neighborhood school. <br /> Marion Robertson, resident, former PTA president at Covington, supported the <br /> redistricting effort and offered that the current model for education in Los Altos Hills was <br /> not working for a sizable portion of the residents. She believed it was important for <br /> residents to retain control over their education tax dollar. <br /> Alexander Atkins, resident, read excerpts from the writings of the Town's founding <br /> fathers and excerpts the Green Sheets that were written at the time of the Town's <br /> incorporation in 1956 that expressed the importance of self governance and <br /> independence. He voiced his support for self governance of education and the <br /> importance of using the democratic process for the citizens to determine their own <br /> destiny. <br /> 3 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15,2006 <br />