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Special Meeting Minutes
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Duffy Price, Anacapa Drive, complimented the City Council and community volunteers <br /> including standing committee members that have worked towards the redistricting effort. <br /> She read into the record a statement from Community Relations Committee Chair Roy <br /> Woolsey that would be presented by him at the County Committee Hearing scheduled for <br /> December 7t" . The statement had been unanimously endorsed by the CRC. <br /> David Pefley, Los Altos Hills resident and Los Altos School District Board Member, <br /> addressed Council. He requested and received additional time to present his comments. <br /> Pfefley stated that he believed redistricting was an unnecessary and terrible idea and <br /> would have a significant impact on jr. high schools, south Los Altos Hills and a negative <br /> impact on property values. He noted that the Bullis school would open in 2008 and <br /> suggested that it was most likely that all children in LAH could attend the school. Pfefley <br /> questioned the need for redistricting and suggested that it would not provide a net benefit <br /> to the community or improve the quality of education. <br /> Resident, thanked the Council for the very informative public meeting. She encouraged <br /> the City Council to stay the course on redistricting. <br /> David Spector, resident, Palo Alto Unified School District, expressed his support for <br /> redistricting but suggested that the Council work to better explain to residents how they <br /> would not loose the ability to attend Gunn if the redistricting succeeded. He spoke to the <br /> success of the Bullis Charter School and the fact that now many Los Altos Hills children <br /> cannot attend because of the enrollment limitations. <br /> Michele Wu, resident, concurred with Council's support of a community neighborhood <br /> school and suggested that it would be helpful to see a letter from PAUSD Superintendent <br /> Mary Callan stating that they would accept the LAH students at Gunn if the Town was <br /> successful in redistricting. <br /> Resident, thanked the City Council for the public meeting. He spoke to his childhood of <br /> growing up on the Stanford campus and his positive experience with public education. <br /> He decided to purchase a home in the Hills because of its rural beauty and his ability to <br /> send his children to the Palo Alto Unified School District. He cautioned the Council that <br /> he believed the redistricting effort would fail if residents could no longer enroll in the <br /> PAUSD. <br /> Resident, Magdalena Road, suggested that the naysayers were doing a disservice to the <br /> residents and spoke to the importance of innovation in education and suggested that those <br /> that were concerned look at the success of the Bullis Charter School. <br /> Bob Johnson, former Mayor and Los Altos Hills resident, addressed Council. He offered <br /> that the process of redistricting was a momentous action and expressed his surprise that <br /> the City Council did not seek an advisory vote of the residents to better assess their <br /> wishes before moving forward to reorganize. Johnson noted that he was heartened to see <br /> the Los Altos School District plans to reopen Bullis School. <br /> 4 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> November 15,2006 <br />
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