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feasibility and associated costs of temporary flow meters and to continue the negotiations <br /> with the City. <br /> 51.4 Wireless Communications: Continue to Improve Townwide <br /> Cell Coverage <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill reported that the Verizon project at Westwind Barn was moving <br /> forward following a brief delay when they encountered rock while drilling for footings. <br /> Cahill commented that the project's tentative completion date was December and he <br /> would keep Council apprised. <br /> 5.1.5 Complete General Plan Review <br /> Councilmember O'Malley reported that the Ad Hoc committee was continuing to meet <br /> every two weeks and making an arduous effort to complete the review of the Introduction <br /> and the first set of Elements. The necessary notification of Indian tribes had been <br /> completed and the ninety day waiting period for their input had begun. Following this <br /> period, there was an additional 45 day period for public comment before the General Plan <br /> Elements could be moved forward to the Planning Commission for their review. <br /> 5.1.6 Develop Plan For and Begin the Process of Approval of the Building <br /> of a New Town Park/Recreation Facility <br /> Parks and Recreation Supervisor Tod McLemore addressed Council. Council had before <br /> them a staff report that summarized the status of the new community park planning <br /> efforts. McLemore explained that the initial'planning was underway by the Parks and <br /> Recreation Committee and staff. The report included a list of all Town owned property <br /> and all lots within Town that were greater than two acres. <br /> Councilmember O'Malley commented that the committee and staff were currently <br /> focusing on a proposed park layout and footprint requirements and once that was <br /> determined, would begin researching for a suitable site. <br /> Councilmember Kerr reported that he had attended the Bullis Elementary School Site <br /> Committee as the Council appointed representative for the Town. He displayed a Phase I <br /> site plan of the facility that illustrated the proposed improvements on the overhead for the <br /> benefit of Council and the audience. Kerr noted that earlier iterations had not included <br /> the playing fields that were now shown on the design plans. A Soccer club has voiced <br /> interest in financing a full sized field and Kerr had offered that the Town would consider <br /> the possibility of assisting in the proposal. ' <br /> Kerr directed Council to an email from Superintendent Tim Justus, Los Altos School <br /> District that the Clerk had provided on the dais. It provided a summary of the funding <br /> that he was requesting from the Council for the project. Justus offered that the changes to <br /> the site to develop more usable space for recreation would benefit both the students and <br /> the Los Altos Hills community. <br /> 4 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 9,2006 <br />