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City Council Minutes
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2/20/2015 2:03:46 PM
Creation date
2/20/2015 1:38:22 PM
Regular Meeting Minutes
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• Kerr explained that it was possible the field could be ready for use by Fall 2008 if the <br /> Town committed to the project. The project was on a fast track and it was important for <br /> the Town to provide their input on the proposal. Kerr identified several concerns that <br /> would need to be addressed that included weekend use and a potential pathway. He <br /> believed it was feasible for the Town to have a soccer field for an investment of$500,000 <br /> with some discretionary authority over the use of the field. <br /> Council discussion ensued. They concurred that it was a cost effective way to acquire a <br /> soccer/playing field but the critical issues of access and control needed to be investigated. <br /> Council wanted to be sure that Los Altos Hills' children had access to the fields and noted <br /> that it might be a better option to fund the entire project if they retained control over the <br /> field. <br /> Council directed staff to further investigate the proposal including who the other <br /> participants in the field proposal would be and what their expectation was for their <br /> donated funds. Staff was authorized to extend an invitation to Superintendent Tim Justus <br /> to present his proposal at the next Council meeting. <br /> 5.2 Consideration of Engineering and Installation of PV Solar Electric System <br /> Expansion at Town Hall <br /> City Engineer/Public Works Director Henry Louie introduced this item to Council. Louie <br /> explained that in May, 2006, Council had directed staff to develop a proposal and cost <br /> estimate for a 10 to 15 kw solar expansion for the existing Town Hall solar system. <br /> Proposals for the project were sought from four companies. REC Solar submitted a cost <br /> proposal of$139,700. Louie reviewed the project cost that included a rebate with the final <br /> system cost of$96,244. In addition to the rebate, Cingular's rent of$24,000, their annual <br /> utility payments to the Town of $3,000 and the estimated annual cost savings for <br /> electricity of$3,753 could be applied to reduce the project cost. <br /> Councilmember Kerr explained that he had requested consideration of this item. He <br /> commented that he believed the additional solar expansion was a necessary component in <br /> meeting the goal that had been set at the time of construction of the new Town Hall of <br /> generating 2/3 of the electricity used on site by the solar plant. <br /> Kerr outlined the factors that had increased the electrical consumption at Town Hall and <br /> pushed the solar plant production to just under 50% of the electrical demand. They <br /> included: 1) the increased usage of the building, including after business hours and <br /> weekends; 2) the Heritage House/Sheriff substation being collocated on the same meter <br /> and potentially the Water District Building could be hooked up to the system; and, 3) the <br /> Cingular cell tower located on the Town site was drawing it's electricity from the Town's <br /> electrical service panel. Kerr noted that at the time the cell tower was approved, Council <br /> had discussed the possibility of using the rental income to expand the solar system. <br /> Kerr reviewed the estimated payback period for the proposed solar expansion project. He <br /> believed there were several factors that would possibly reduce the period, including: the <br /> use of trackers; the use of alternative less expensive solar panels; additional value <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> November 9,2006 <br />
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