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MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Kerr and <br /> is passed unanimously to appoint Lisa Kellman to the position of Associate Youth <br /> Commissioner. <br /> 2.3 Los Altos Hills Single Stream Recycling Program—John Zirelli, General <br /> Manager, Los Altos Garbage Company <br /> John Zirelli, General Manager, Los Altos Garbage Company (LAGCo, commented that <br /> he was before Council in response to their request for a status report on the single stream <br /> recycling program that was currently being implemented by the company in the services <br /> provided to Los Altos Hills residents. Since the program was introduced, recycling <br /> volume was up and the volume of trash had decreased during the same period. In <br /> comparison to similar cities (geographical characteristics and primarily residential), the <br /> Town's recycling efforts were encouraging. Portola Valley's recycling percentages were <br /> higher and Zirelli attributed this to customer education especially programs targeted for <br /> school age children that were taught in the classrooms. <br /> Zirelli spoke to the efforts of LAGCo to disseminate information to residential customers <br /> about the single stream program. During the next scheduled townwide clean-up event, <br /> company representatives will provide information to each participant. Additionally, the <br /> company has included recycling information in their newsletter included with all billings. <br /> Following Council discussion, staff was directed to update the Town's website with a <br /> • visible and easily accessible link to LAGCo's website to further facilitate consumer <br /> education on the availability of recycling alternatives available to LAH residents. <br /> 3. PLANNING COMMISSION REPORT <br /> No report. Planning Director Debbie Pedro explained that the Planning Commission had <br /> not met since the last Council meeting. Their next meeting was scheduled for October <br /> 19, 2006. <br /> 4. CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Item Removed: 4.4 (City Clerk) <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Mordo and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the remainder of the Consent Calendar; specifically: <br /> 4.1 Approval of Minutes: Regular City Council Meeting September 28, 2006 <br /> 4.2 Review of Disbursements: 9/20/2006— 10/3/2006 $770,958.76 <br /> 4.3 Notification of Fast Track Approvals: Lands of Jung; 25810 Vinedo Lane, A <br /> Request for a Site Development Permit for a 998 square foot Second Unit <br /> (maximum height 21' 6"), a 1080 square foot Pool, 7,174 square foot Tennis <br /> 2 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 12,2006 <br />