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• 5.2 Consideration of Proposed Revisions to Town Policies on Wireless <br /> Communications Facilities <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro introduced this item to Council. She noted that staff, at the <br /> direction of the City Council, had prepared an amendment to the Town's Wireless <br /> Communications Policy to allow applications to be processed under a ministerial permit. The <br /> amendment was before Council for their consideration. The revised policy would allow <br /> administrative review of collocation applications if the proposed project complied with the <br /> following requirement: `The collocated antennas and ground equipment shall be mounted or <br /> installed within an existing tower, building, or structure where the physical appearance of the <br /> existing facility is not altered to accommodate the additional antennas and equipment." <br /> Pedro explained that the requirement that additional antenna arrays and ground equipment be <br /> installed within pre-existing structures with no visual alteration of the existing facility would <br /> ensure that the project was consistent with requirements established under the original use permit <br /> for the communications facility. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones offered that collocation of wireless facilities was non controversial and the <br /> proposed amendment to the review process was appropriate and consistent with the City <br /> Council's pro cell policy. There would be no incremental neighborhood impact if the revised <br /> policy were adopted. Jones requested that Council be kept apprised of project approvals. <br /> Council discussed the option of council notification similar to Fast Track notification and the <br /> • addition of an appeal process to the policy. Council consensus was that this additional step was <br /> not necessary. Collocation reduced the number of cell towers required to improve cell coverage <br /> in Town and the proposed policy change would encourage collocation on existing facilities. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Jones and passed <br /> unanimously to approve the proposed Wireless Communications Policy as presented in the staff <br /> report dated October 12,2006 as Attachment 1. <br /> 6. NEW BUSINESS <br /> 6.1 Amendment to the Horse Lease Agreement for the Year Round Riding <br /> Program(YRRP) and Funding for Riding Programs <br /> Parks and Recreation Supervisor Tod McLemore introduced this item to Council. The <br /> request before the City Council for their consideration was two fold: 1) to approve the <br /> amendment to the current horse lease agreement with Excursions Unlimited/Jane <br /> Kawasaki for the Year Round Riding Program that stipulated the Town's responsibility to <br /> pay stabling and pasture space rent at Westwind Barn; and 2) to authorize funding in the <br /> amount of$8,408 to cover the shortfall in revenues versus expenditures for the Parks and <br /> Recreation horse riding programs. <br /> Councilmember Mordo commented that after reviewing the existing contract from a <br /> • financial perspective, he was uncomfortable that it was incomplete and did not record the <br /> Town's coverage of the stabling costs for the programs horses. He had requested Council <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 12,2006 <br />