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• consideration of the contract amendment and the economic status of the program. Mordo <br /> reviewed the analysis of the fixed costs and revenues for the horseback riding programs <br /> that had been prepared by Administrative Services Director Sarah Ragsdale and appeared <br /> as Attachment 3 in the staff report. <br /> Mordo suggested that the program was in its infancy and there were several methods that <br /> could be adopted to increase the revenues including an increase in non-resident fees and <br /> the addition of more sessions. He explained the issues that currently affected additional <br /> arena time for the programs and suggested that a long term solution would be <br /> construction of a third arena or covered arena. <br /> Mordo recommended approval of the requests being proposed by the Parks and <br /> Recreation Department with the caveat that they investigate ways to increase the revenues <br /> including the option of revised fees for nonresident program participants. <br /> Council discussed the proposal. Council consensus was that they were not opposed to <br /> subsidizing the programs. Mayor Pro Tem Jones requested information on the current <br /> status of availability of arena time for the program. McLemore offered that the Friends of <br /> Westwind had been cooperative and that Jane Kawasaki was satisfied with the <br /> accessibility of the arena for the programs. <br /> Council directed the Parks and Recreation Department to investigate the option of <br /> increasing the fees for nonresidents as a means to reduce subsidy of the program. City <br /> Manager Cahill offered the revision would return to Council as a consent calendar item. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Mordo, seconded by Kerr and <br /> passed unanimously to approve the amendment to the current horse lease agreement <br /> (Attachment 2) and to authorize temporary funding in the amount of not-to-exceed $8,408 <br /> to cover the shortfall in revenues for the riding programs. Staff was directed to return <br /> with suggestions to increase revenues for the program at a future meeting. <br /> 6.2 Proposed Amendment to Title 4. Public Safety, Chapter 3. Traffic <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill introduced this item to Council. In a post project review of the <br /> recent stop sign installations, staff had determined that there had been resident interest in <br /> notification prior to the installation of the signage. The signs had been installed on the <br /> basis of standard traffic engineering principles; but residents had expressed a desire to <br /> offer their opinions on the signs. Cahill noted that support for the installations had been <br /> expressed but there were also quite a few complaints with regard to the absence of any <br /> prior notice to the affected residents. Cahill proposed an amendment to the Town's <br /> Traffic Code that would establish an administrative Traffic Safety Review Committee and <br /> establish procedures for notifying residents when the Town proposed to install stop signs. <br /> Controversial stop signs would be forwarded to the City Council. He noted that no <br /> additional stop signs were being proposed at this time but that it seemed appropriate to <br /> amend the code prior to any project. <br /> • <br /> 6 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> October 12,2006 <br />