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OPENED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Dot Schreiner, Saddle Mountain Drive, offered that the erection of story poles were a <br /> good indication to residents located outside the noticed 500 feet of the visibility of a <br /> project and provided a good incentive for neighbors to visit Town Hall to comment on the <br /> project and participate in the process. <br /> CLOSED PUBLIC HEARING <br /> Council discussion ensued. It was noted that Council's direction had been to remove the <br /> "highly visible lots" definition from the ordinance because of the subjectivity of the <br /> language. They reviewed the necessity of requiring all options to visually mitigate the <br /> structure or one or two of the methods. Council questioned why the new <br /> recommendations were being forwarded and suggested that there was still some <br /> subjectivity in the new language. They supported flexibility for staff during the review <br /> process and noted that historically, there was not a problem with the existing code and <br /> their main objective in amending the code was the removal of the subjectivity from the <br /> language. Council appreciated the efforts of the Planning Commission but there was not <br /> a consensus for their recommended amendments. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Jones, seconded by Kerr and passed <br /> unanimously to amend the proposed ordinance as it appeared as Attachment 1 in the staff <br /> report to only include the removal of the terminology "highly l visible lot from the Site <br /> Development Ordinance Section 10-2.702 and no further changes and to waive reading <br /> and introduce the ordinance as amended. <br /> Councilmember Mordo offered a friendly amendment to the motion to remove "one or <br /> more" from Section 10-2.702.b. There was no consensus for the amendment. <br /> Council adjourned to Closed Session at 10:55 p.m. <br /> 12. CLOSED SESSION <br /> CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL-ANTICIPATED LITIGATION <br /> (Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(c). <br /> Initiation of Litigation: one case <br /> Council reconvened to Open Session at 11:05 p.m. <br /> No Action was taken <br /> 13. ADJOURNMENT <br /> There being no further business, the September 14, 2006 regular City Council meeting <br /> was adjourned by consensus of the Council. <br /> 14 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> September 14,2006 <br />