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5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> 5.1 Town Goals <br /> 5.1.1 Public Education: Bring the Future of Public Education to a Vote <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones reported that the Ad Hoc Committee on District Reorganization <br /> had been actively working on the redistricting effort. Several subcommittees had been <br /> established and Chairs appointed. Each subcommittee had been charged with specific <br /> tasks that were focused on working towards the Santa Clara County Committee's <br /> scheduled hearing on December 7h. At that time, the County Committee would review <br /> the Town's redistricting resolution/petition and discuss the Committee's options. Jones <br /> added that the Ad Hoc Committee was being supported by professional consultants that <br /> were assisting them towards the goal. <br /> Jones reported that private donations had funded a public polling of residents to <br /> determine the level of support in the community for redistricting. The survey had just <br /> been completed and he expected the findings to be released shortly. The initial <br /> preliminary report showed that support for redistricting had increased two fold since the <br /> earlier poll conducted by the Public Education Committee and strong support had <br /> quadrupled. The poll results reflected that people were keen that residents were treated <br /> fairly and wanted assurance their tax money went for elementary and middle school <br /> education that was accessible to residents. Jones believed that this was a reflection of the <br /> public's dissatisfaction with the status quo and noted that the ultimate decision on <br /> redistricting would be determined by the voters. <br /> 5.1.2 Underground Utilities: Develop a Financing Plan for Voter Approval <br /> Mayor Warshawsky reported that construction of the Town's Undergrounding Pilot <br /> Project was back on schedule. He explained that PG&E had suggested that there might <br /> be a delay due to the additional work load created by last year's winter storm but the issue <br /> has been resolved. Construction would begin in the summer of 2007 and the projected <br /> completion of the project was December 2007. <br /> Warshawsky advised that the Ad Hoc Committee had refocused their efforts on <br /> undergrounding after reviewing the results of the telephone survey conducted by Godbe <br /> Research and determining that the level of resident support necessary to move forward <br /> with financing options was not evident. The Committee was investigating the <br /> development of a plan to facilitate neighborhood sponsored assessment districts. <br /> 5.1.3 Sanitary Sewers: Update and Implement the Master Plan <br /> City Engineer/Public Works Director Henry Louie advised Council that he would be <br /> forwarding a request to Council at the next meeting for a study of the sanitary sewer <br /> expansion project that would include the skeleton of the sewer system for the Town and <br /> estimated improvement construction costs. <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> September 14,2006 <br />