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3.19 Acceptance of Grant of Pathway Easement; Lands of Evershine, <br /> 13310 La Paloma Road <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro reviewed the site plan for the identified property with <br /> Council and noted the location of the proposed pathway easement. She advised that the <br /> pathway location was consistent with the recommendations of the Pathways Committee <br /> and the Conditions of Approval for the project. The existing pathway easement would be <br /> replaced by the new pedestrian-equestrian pathway easement which did not intersect the <br /> conservation easement. The existing pedestrian-equestrian pathway would be abandoned <br /> by a separate action. <br /> MOTION SECONDED AND CARRIED: Moved by Kerr, seconded by O'Malley and <br /> passed unanimously to adopt Resolution 83-06 accepting a grant of a pathway easement; <br /> Lands of Evershine. <br /> 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> 5. CITY COUNCIL STRATEGIC GOAL SETTING SESSION <br /> Geoff Ball, Facilitator for the session, introduced himself. He had spoken with members <br /> of Council prior to the session and reviewed the expected outcomes that had been <br /> identified during the discussions. Council consensus was that the purpose of the goal <br /> setting session was to frame the issues and to identify and reach an agreement on <br /> priorities. Ball reviewed the agenda and ground rules for the workshop. <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones spoke to the value of annual strategic goal setting sessions. He <br /> reviewed the recently tabled highly visible lot ordinance that had been developed as a <br /> result of last year's discussions and offered that it was not in concurrence with the goal or <br /> direction that the Council had framed. Council had sought to remove the subjectivity <br /> from the ordinance not implement a more restrictive ordinance. He hoped that there <br /> would be a process for Council feedback on the goals and priorities that were identified at <br /> today's session and an opportunity for the Council to ensure the projects were on track. <br /> Council assessed the numerous accomplishments that had been achieved over the past <br /> four years. They included: the completion of Town Hall; improved cell coverage for <br /> residents with the installation of cell towers in Town; adoption of the Master Path Map; <br /> agreement with the Purissima Hills Water District for long term lease for their new <br /> operations center; Santa Clara Valley Water District Adobe Creek Collaborative; re- <br /> establishment of the Town as a leader in environmental issues including energy efficiency <br /> efforts; preservation of Bullis Purissima campus as a public school site; certification of <br /> the Town's Housing Element and affordable housing program by the State; enhanced <br /> recreational activities including the Year Round Riding Program; regional and federal <br /> funding for public works projects including new pathways; development and approval of <br /> the Undergrounding Rule 20A Pilot Project; increased community volunteerism ( new <br /> Standing and Ad Hoc Committees); sewer projects and the establishment of the <br /> • unacceptability of not having a public school in Town. <br /> 4 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 24,2006 <br />