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• Geoff Ball summarized the comments Councilmembers had tendered regarding the <br /> relationship between Council and City Manager Carl Cahill and his performance in the <br /> managerial role to date. Council praised the efforts of Cahill and noted that he had a clear <br /> understanding of the city manager-city council working relationship and they appreciated <br /> his communication efforts. <br /> PARKS AND RECREATION <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Jones suggested that Council consider the need for a Town park similar <br /> to the Juan Briones Park in Palo Alto. He noted that Town had the Little League playing <br /> fields, pathways and open space but no facility for families similar to a "suburban style <br /> park" with a picnic area; children's playground; and playing fields for sports like soccer <br /> and Lacrosse and suggested the a park would be desirable addition to the Town's <br /> recreational amenities. <br /> At the request of Council, Planning Director Debbie Pedro had prepared a PowerPoint <br /> presentation on the Town owned O'Keefe Lane property. Council wished to review the <br /> parcel and its potential as a recreation site. Pedro's presentation included an overview of <br /> the parcel's topography, site accessibility, parking availability and the land use <br /> designation under the Open Space and Public Recreation Initiative adopted by Council in <br /> December, 2002. Pedro advised Council that any use of the site other than for"low <br /> impact"recreation would require a vote of the residents. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Council concurred that the Parks and Recreation committee <br /> had performed admirably in the recent years. They had established a viable program from <br /> the ground up and the programs and expansion of the department was now under the <br /> tutelage of Parks and Recreation Supervisor Tod McLemore. Council commended <br /> McLemore for the current successes of the department. <br /> Council consensus was to direct staff to work with the Park and Recreation Committee to <br /> begin to consider the physical layout of the recreational facility and identify a suitable site <br /> for a park. Council proposed that the ideal site would be approximately 2-3 acres and <br /> include appropriate space for a playing field for soccer and similar activities; playground <br /> area for young children; picnic area and parking. The target budget discussed was $5 <br /> million. Council suggested that financing/funds for the project could be garnered from <br /> private and public sources. One option for funding was the sale of the town-owned Story <br /> Hill property. Council identified this project as a top priority for the coming year. <br /> • Pathways <br /> Council discussed the recent success of the Council and Pathways Committee to complete <br /> the Master Path Map. Following numerous public hearings and much public debate, the <br /> map was adopted by the City Council on March 8, 2005. Council consensus was to direct <br /> the Pathways Committee to defer from mapping activities in the immediate future and to <br /> focus on the construction of new pathways and maintenance projects. Councilmember <br /> Kerr advised that funding was available from regional sources but that there had been <br /> 5 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 24,2006 <br />