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Council discussed the proposed draft ordinance. They were in concurrence that they did <br /> not want to establish a maximum house size noting that there was a potential for more <br /> subdivisions with a restriction. Council consensus was that a modification to the building <br /> setback requirement that required incremental increased setbacks dependent on the size of <br /> the estate homes was reasonable but they wanted the proposal before them simplified. <br /> WILDLIFE CORRIDORS <br /> Council reviewed the efforts of the Open Space Committee to develop the Wildlife <br /> Corridor map and draft ordinance. The issue is still in the investigation stage with the <br /> committee. The expectation was that the map would identify a limited number of wildlife <br /> corridors. Council discussed the option of converting conservation easements along <br /> creeks and riparian corridors where fencing is already prohibited and some pathway <br /> easements to wildlife corridor easements where appropriate. The Town's General Plan <br /> references the value of open space and wildlife. <br /> Council consensus was that they wanted clear illumination on the definition and <br /> identification of the numbers of wildlife corridors and the magnitude of the Open Space <br /> Committee's proposal. <br /> INFRASTRUCTURE <br /> • Cell Towers <br /> Planning Director Debbie Pedro provided a brief update to Council on the current cell <br /> tower installation projects in Town. T-Mobile has indicated they will be collocating on <br /> the Verizon tower at Westwind Barn and currently have two additional projects in <br /> development. <br /> City Manager Carl Cahill suggested one way to expedite improved cell coverage was the <br /> option of administrative approvals for collocator projects on existing approved towers. <br /> Currently, they are required to go through the same process as cell tower approvals and <br /> are scheduled as public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council. <br /> Council concurred with the suggestion and an amendment to the Town's Wireless Policy <br /> would be forwarded to the Council for their consideration at a future meeting. <br /> • Undergrounding Utilities <br /> Mayor Warshawsky advised Council that Godbe Research had concluded their survey on <br /> funding options for a Town-wide undergrounding project. Godbe has suggested that the <br /> support level necessary for passing a bond or approving a new tax was not evident and <br /> had recommended that the Town consider an educational campaign to promote the <br /> benefits of undergrounding of utilities. <br /> Warshawsky reported that the Undergrounding Ad Hoc Committee had redirected their <br /> priorities to assisting neighborhoods by facilitating assessment districts. The Town <br /> 7 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 24,2006 <br />