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would not participate financially but would offer staff assistance to the residents where <br /> applicable. <br /> P <br /> Council discussion ensued. They were in agreement with Warshawsky's assessment of <br /> the residents/electorates interest level in undergrounding utilities and supported an <br /> educational program that would establish undergrounding benefits for the "common <br /> good" of the community. It was suggested that one option for the Town to consider was <br /> financial support for projects along major thoroughfares. Council concurred with the <br /> proposal to assist neighborhoods in the development of assessment districts with staff <br /> support. <br /> Warshawsky noted that the Undergrounding Pilot Projects were back on track following a <br /> brief delay in the building schedule by PG&E. <br /> • Sewers <br /> Councilmember O'Malley reported that Councilmember Mordo, the City Engineer, City <br /> Manager and O'Malley had been working to ensure that there would be sewer capacity <br /> available for everyone in Town and the Sphere of Influence who wished to connect. The <br /> Sewer Agreement with the City of Los Altos was nearing completion and he expected it <br /> to be before Council for their consideration by the end of summer. <br /> • O'Malley explained that sewer capacity was available but the next hurdle to overcome <br /> was the question of building out sewer mains to the residences. He suggested that a solid <br /> plan that included both a financial assessment of project cost and logistical plan for sewer <br /> expansion was required. It was noted that a sewer connection was a tangible asset to <br /> residents and increased their property values substantially and failing septic systems had a <br /> potential negative environmental impact. <br /> City Engineer Henry Louie advised that study to evaluate the cost of expanding the <br /> Town's sewer system was currently under development. <br /> Council concurred that sewers were a top priority. <br /> • Water Supply <br /> Council discussed options for water conservation and the proposal by the Purissima Hills <br /> Water District to have the Town require site development landscaping plans include <br /> irrigation plans and projected water usage figures. The District wanted to be included in <br /> the site development review process. Upon review of the plans, they would advise the <br /> applicants of the estimated cost of their proposed landscaping. <br /> Council concurred that the proposal could potentially be very expensive for the applicant <br /> and did not support it. They favored the institution of an educational program in <br /> conjunction with the District that would identify the costs for maintaining lawns and <br /> • pools using "real life" supporting examples. Councilmember Mordo offered to use his <br /> 8 <br /> City Council Special Meeting Minutes <br /> August 24,2006 <br />