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preparation of the fiscal year budget and he estimated the report would be forwarded to <br /> Council at a July meeting. <br /> 5.1.2 Bringing Public Education Back to the Hills <br /> 5.1.2a Status Report on the Re-Districting Alternative Negotiations- <br /> Mayor Kerr and Councilmember Jones <br /> Mayor Kerr provided a brief overview report of the Redistricting Alternative Negotiations <br /> effort. He noted that he and Councilmember Jones had multiple contacts with the <br /> negotiators since his last report to Council. Senator Joe Simitian had been contacted by <br /> the Mayor and a request had been made for his assistance. Kerr noted that the negotiated <br /> settlement "term sheet", although negotiated in good faith, its passage had not been <br /> advocated by the Los Altos School District negotiators before the full School Board. He <br /> had attended the June 5, 2006 Los Altos School District Board meeting and spoke to the <br /> Board. He was disappointed that the issue of the creation of a "true neighborhood <br /> school" in Los Altos Hills had not been discussed. Kerr did not expect the subject to be <br /> reviewed by the Board anytime before the Fall. He noted that the Town had exhausted <br /> their options for a successful negotiation with the Los Altos School District and he could <br /> not guarantee any further progress could be made with further negotiations. <br /> Councilmember Jones suggested that the negotiations had been the effort of the Council <br /> and the Town to try every feasible approach to work with the surrounding communities to <br /> • meet the need for a permanent "true neighborhood school" that could be accessed by all <br /> Town residents. Jones believed that the decision to move forward with the negotiation <br /> efforts and expend the additional time had been the correct approach. The meetings had <br /> afforded an opportunity for all of the stakeholders to have a clear understanding of each <br /> other's needs. <br /> Councilmember Jones read into the record a statement from Mark Goines, LASD Board <br /> Member(email dated June 6, 2006): `Greene and Craig-I want to let you know that there <br /> is no way LASD is going to be able to address the term sheet (or framework) items in a <br /> manner that meets your timeline. We are steeped in a deep analysis process that will take <br /> weeks to complete, and will clearly go past your June 8 meeting, and possibly could last <br /> until September. The ramifications of these decisions are very large and the board must <br /> be thorough in its analysis and process, which will take time. The timeline we have been <br /> given by your council is simply not achievable by LASD." <br /> Mayor Pro Tem Warshawsky questioned why Goines referenced the timeline as Council's <br /> timeline when the timeline had been requested by Goines and defined by LASD. Jones <br /> concurred that it was a timeline that they had requested and had been granted by Council <br /> and noted that other parties in the negotiation were able to reach a conclusion within the <br /> time frame. Jones referenced an email from Bullis Charter School Board Chair Ken <br /> Moore (dated June 6, 2006), to the City Council. Jones read Moore's statement into the <br /> record:"On behalf of the BCS board, we thank you for the strong leadership you have <br /> demonstrated toward returning public education to LAH. While we do not like everything <br /> in the term sheet, BCS fully endorses the term sheet as written as a vehicle for returning <br /> 3 <br /> City Council Meeting Minutes <br /> June 8,2006 <br />