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Jones suggested that the planning phase of the restoration could potentially take one-two <br /> years. Three areas of study were proposed: 1) Function: What were the appropriate <br /> activities for the Barn and associated space and with what intensity? These included <br /> equestrian and non equestrian activities. 2) Form: Structure of the Barn and auxiliary <br /> space. 3) Finance: The identification of the budget and financing options of the project <br /> that included both private and public funding. <br /> Jones proposed that a new Standing Committee be formed with a charter to study the <br /> renovation issues and potentially to monitor the renovation work. He noted that the <br /> Standing Committee would be required to abide by the Brown Act/Open Meeting Laws <br /> and this was appropriate for discussions of the public asset (Westwind Barn). Jones <br /> suggested that the maximum membership be size be eleven and include representatives <br /> from the following: City Council (possible serve as Chair), Supporters of Westwind <br /> Community Barn, Friends of Westwind, Users (Boarders), neighbors of the facility and <br /> representatives from the Parks and Recreation Committee. Jones added that he would <br /> like to move forward with the committee process by advertising the new committee and <br /> scheduling appointments in approximately sixty days. <br /> Jones reviewed the findings of the Ad-Hoc Committee on Recreational Facilities <br /> regarding the governance of Westwind Barn. He noted that the Ad-Hoc Committee had <br /> concluded their review and in their final report had recommended unanimously that a new <br /> governance be established for the Barn. He offered that no money be spent on renovation <br /> or improvements until the governance issue had been resolved to the satisfaction of the <br /> City Council but that because the planning stage for the Master Plan would be a lengthy <br /> process it be initiated in parallel with resolving the governance question that he believed <br /> would be solved prior to the conclusion of the planning stage of the renovation. He noted <br /> that renovation costs were different/distinct from the annual repair and maintenance costs <br /> associated with the current lease. Jones explained that Ad-Hoc Committees by definition <br /> were chartered to review specific issues within a short duration (time frame) and it was <br /> appropriate to dissolve the Ad-Hoc Committee and for the City Council to resolve the <br /> governance issue. <br /> Jones concluded his report and noted that Council had received the preliminary <br /> consultant's report on the structure and before Council was an important renovation <br /> project of an important Town asset that had the potential to be a focal point of Town <br /> recreational programs. <br /> Council discussion ensued. Councilmember Mordo supported Jones' proposal and <br /> volunteered to serve on the Committee as a Council representative. He suggested that the <br /> Committee convene their initial meeting after Labor Day <br /> Mayor Kerr concurred that the timing of the appointments and initial meeting be <br /> scheduled after Labor Day to afford the proper time for noticing the new Committee <br /> membership opportunities. He suggested that the Committee be tasked with the planning <br /> and monitoring of the renovation process similar to the Town Hall Committee charge. <br /> OPENED PUBLIC COMMENT <br /> • <br /> Special City Council and Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> 5 May 25,2006 <br />